Cosmic Awareness User is aware of and knows absolutely everything that happens on a universal scale including planets being destroyed, mortal threats and dangers, knowledge about the cosmos, changes to the timeline and reality, and/or anything that would affect them in any way. Depending on the scale of the user's power, how much of the cosmos can be perceived will change, for example, planetary perception, galaxy perception, whole cosmos perception, etc. They even possess absolute knowledge about the universe, including knowledge of the past, present and future, has three existing language throughout the cosmos. Essentially, the user will not only be highly perceptive but also one of the most intelligent and wisest being within their own universe.
Dream Manipulation Users can create, shape, enter, and manipulate the dreams of oneself and others, including modifying, suppressing, fabricating, influencing, manifesting, sensing, and observing dreams as well as nightmares, daydreams, etc., possibly including past ones. They can produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming, and promote spiritual/emotional healing within dreams. In some cases, the user's power extends to the real world, such as wounds inflicted on a sleeping victim, healed damage (mental or physical) affecting the physical form, and otherwise blurring the line between waking and dreaming. They may be able to pull someone from the waking world into the dream world or brings people/things from the dream world into the waking world.
Divided Mind The user is subjected to multiple personalities, which can be evoked at variable times. Some personas may be passive or aggressive, some may have different powers. The separate identity inhabiting the user's hosting body is attributed as a specific symbiotic like entity of psychiatric nature, all of them born original from unknown cause or event (possibly past trauma). In most cases, this identity can exist for an extended period in which the user may or may not have prior knowledge of the identity's existence. It is apparent that while these personas all lookout for the original, a factor may present to have intents of over-writing and taking over as the original identity. (Also despite being Divided "identities/personalities" some of these "personalities" metioned here actually have actually have a consciousness of their own instead of the same user/person experiencing memory lapses/dissociation meaning that the user and the "personality(ties)" are 2 different entirely different people.
Emotion Manipulation The user can sense and manipulate the emotions, including feelings, moods and their affects, of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling emotions, even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level. Emotions have been described as discrete and consistent responses to internal or external events which have a particular significance for the organism. They are brief in duration and consist of a coordinated set of responses, which may include verbal, physiological, behavioural, and neural mechanisms. In addition, relationships exist between emotions, such as having positive or negative influences, with direct opposites existing. The contrasting and categorization of emotions describes how emotions are thought to relate to each other.
Empathy The user can fully interpret the emotions, moods, and temperaments of others without reading apparent symptoms, allowing them to understand introverts or discover one emotion is actually hiding another. They can attack someone in a personal and emotional way since they know exactly what emotion is flowing through themselves and can use this knowledge to play against them. Some users may learn to read emotional imprints left into environment or objects. Usually over time, an Empath's power grows to the point that they can manipulate emotions in others, and possibly use them to empower themselves. The user may learn to extend their power over/on vast numbers of sentient beings or reach extreme distances, even other levels of existence but this may be possible only if the user has an emotional link to those the search is already in effect on.
Hive Mind Hive mind allows a group of people (often biologically related) "share" the same mind. In some cases, one person could take control of another separate body to add to the hive. Like most hive insects like bees and ants, each can work autonomously, though they think the same thing at the same time. The members have little individuality, more or less they are only marionettes controlled by a puppeteer. In some cases, the members of the hive mind have separate brains, mindsets, personalities, and individuality. But both are basically the same, all members work as one, they can all see, hear, and know what the others do. All work as one, each think with the same "mind", not as a sum of its parts.
Illusion Manipulation Users can manipulate illusions/hallucinations, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell or taste things differently from what they truly are. At its base, users can distort the shape and size of an object or area. More complex applications include causing targets to misinterpret the distance or number of an object, causing objects or entire landscapes to appear or disappear, distorting the sensory experiences of targets etc. With its near-limitless potential, the user can achieve a plethora of effects, like being extremely stealthy, or discombobulating and confusing targets, hiding and masking objects or places, causing targets to unknowingly hurt each other, and so on. Though most illusions only affect sight, more powerful users can manipulate illusions that affect any and every other sense, thus making it no different from reality to the target.
Memory Absorption The user can absorb memories selectively or not, while removing it from the source, into their body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage, either by enhancing themselves, gaining the drained power, using it as power source etc., either temporarily or permanently.
Memory Manipulation User can control memories of oneself and others, allowing them to modify, fabricate, suppress, influence, repair, restore, erase, detect, and view them. They can change memories to confuse, or wipe away certain memories to cause amnesia, discern and provoke nostalgia, and enter the victim into a psychic vision, replaying their memory.
Mental Disorder Manipulation The user can create, perceive, induce, remove, and manipulate mental disorders, including mood, anxiety, eating, impulse/addiction, personality, dissociation, sexual/gender and behavioral disorders. They can change the intensity of the disorder, forcing someone to experience the disorder so intensely that they can hardly function and have someone experience the disorder mildly where it's hardly a problem in their life. Also the user can create new mental disorders and induce them.
Mental Manipulation The user can manipulate the mind, the mechanism of proceeding information and set of immaterial facilities that are linked to it. They can create, control, customize, negate and otherwise fashion parts and functions of mindas perception, desires, thoughts, beliefs, memories, emotions, attention, personality, behavior, psychologic and intelligence in a variety of ways. Beneficially, this ability can be used to unlock one's inner potential, bestow talents and skills, and improve mental capacity. Destructively, this power may shatter minds, grant diversity of mental disorders and take over others. Either way, users possess outstanding power that make them force to be reckoned with.
Mind Control The user can control the minds of others, including their thoughts, perceptions, behaviours, movements, memories, emotions and personality. Depending on the user's skill and power, this can range from a trance-like state very similar to hypnosis, to the target being completely subject to the user's control. A skilled user may be able to control the minds of multiple people simultaneously. The target(s) can be placed in a semi-conscious state, where they may have no recollection of any actions that they perform while under the user's control; and whilst enthralled, the recipients may display capacities that they would otherwise not be capable of in their normal state.
Pain Inducement User is able to cause varying levels of pain, including physical, mental and/or emotional, to their targets using supernatural means.
Precognition Users can perceive the future through various means, which can be broadly separated into two categories: Supernatural and Analytical. Some users can only see into the immediate future, enabling them to fight with near flawlessness or completely nullify surprise attacks. On the other hand, some can see into the far future, effectively being Seers that can foresee outcomes of major decisions or the triggers to catastrophes and the like Some users can only see the future of themselves, while some users' precognition are tied to a certain place or person. Some are limited to predicting only a singular likely chain of events, while others can see many different possible outcomes, gathering information and finding the best paths to take by going through many different possibilities. Users acquire impossible knowledge on future events through supernatural means, such as utilizing rituals, having prophetic dreams or sudden visions, or simply having been born with knowledge of all that will happen in the future. Users can perceive the future through analysis of current events and certain factors and characteristics that enable them to accurately predict their consequences. This can be done through high levels of wisdom, strategic know-how, calculating the probability of events, or simply experience. This can also be achieved by having techniques and skills related to reading into the present to see what will happen in the future, mostly through analyzing physical tells or having some form of superhuman aid
Psionic Inundation The user can mentally overload the brain with psychic energy by mentally inducing and manifesting psychic energy within the brain of those being affected by will alone, causing the victim to spontaneously experience brain damage, memory loss, unconsciousness, vegetative state and/or death. This can be accomplished by various psychic abilities, such as telepathy, telekinesis, illusion casting, etc.
Psychic Constructs The user can change psionic/psychic energy into different forms and objects of varying detail and permanence, ranging from simple shapes and images to individual elements, substances and materials, to functional items such as tools and weapons, to more complex creations such as living or non-living entities, entire structures and even environments in certain cases. Depending on their control over the source of their constructs, those who have mastered this ability can use it for almost any situation, creating anything they need. These constructs can either be confined to metaphysical and often immaterial environments, such as the astral plane or within mental worlds or be capable of manifesting within physical space. Psionic Weaponry itself has many dangerous effects, including warping the minds of others, igniting pain sensors, destroying physical portions of the brain, and destroying psionic forms or astral projections.
Psychic Navigation The user can trace where targeted objects/subjects are located, but often can’t identify a specific locale unless they are highly experienced or in short range. This ability acts as a psychic compass, causing the user to feeling a magnetic pull towards the direction of their target, which also allows them to tell if their target is progressing. Another version of this is that the user can create a mental map of an area to prevent getting lost or quickly reach the exit.
Psychokinesis The user has psychokinesis, the psionic power to move and manipulate matter with one’s mind, exhibiting a parapsychological phenomenon characterized by the cognitive ability to influence, manipulate, or interact with matter and energy through sheer mental exertion, without the application of any physical force or conventional means. The distinction between psychokinesis and psionics lies in their scope and specificity. Telekinesis and telepathy, key aspects of psionics, enable the manipulation of objects and the influence over psychological processes at a distance. However, these terms often lack a precise explanation of the underlying mechanisms involved.
Telekinesis broadly refers to the manipulation of matter and energy from a distance without any physical contact, encompassing both natural forces—such as gravitational, electromagnetic, and kinetic energies—and supernatural forces, including extradimensional, holy, or demonic energies. It may even extend to the control of superpowers capable of altering matter.
Telepathy, in contrast, affects the mental states and thought processes of sentient or non-sentient beings. This form of influence leverages emotional, mental, astral, ectoplasmic, or other ethereal elements to shape the conscious and subconscious aspects of a target’s psyche, thereby affecting their perception and interaction with the world.
Psychokinesis, however, is distinct in that it operates purely through mental faculties—thoughts, emotions, instincts, personality, and desires—or psychic energy originating from the astral or mental plane. While telekinesis and telepathy may overlap with psychokinesis, particularly in fictional and non-fictional representations, the key differentiator is that psychokinesis is driven solely by mental processes, distinguishing it from the broader, more complex scope of psionics. As the ability is tied directly to the mind, it can be activated and controlled through conscious effort and concentration, through willpower and emotion of a particular level of intensity, or through achieving a state of discipline and serenity. In some cases, the ability can respond to the user’s thoughts and ideas, imagination, desires or belief in their abilities, something that could make the power harder or easier to activate, and in these cases, it is often more challenging to control. A common example is behaving erratically during moments of stress, rendering it a liability or even a hazard in those scenarios unless the user can regain control. Moreover, these aspects of the user's mind and mental capacity can potentially affect the accuracy, precision, range, and strength of their ability and the subsequent limitations of its intuitiveness, usability, and reliability in different situations. In extreme examples, the power can be so extensive as to allow for the user to passively influence matter and affect their environment using their presence alone. In other cases, the user's power may be used through instinct or some form of intuition through psychokinetic senses expanding physical senses. High level users may reach a state where they could influence reality, maybe even just with a single thought.
Psychometry The user of psychometry obtains historical memories or sensations concerning beings and objects they observe. With objects, they gain knowledge including the makers, users, and even those who have on passing used the object, and what has been done with it. With living beings or parts of the body, the user learns their general life-history but doesn't gain anything of what they were thinking or feeling.
Telepathic Communication The user is able to open a psionic communication line with another being, rendering them capable of having conversations with others using their minds. The user is also capable of opening up channels of communications with others who may be incapable of physical speech or communicate to a deaf person by linking their minds. Notably, this power is more narrow in scope than telepathy in that it only allows for communication. The user is typically not able to read the target's mind and only hear the thoughts that the target wishes to convey back to the user.
Telepathic Perception The user has telepathy,the psionic ability to read and control the minds and thoughts of humans, animals, and other sentient beings, and to transfer information from one mind to another without the aid of physical communication (noise or movement).A person with this ability is called a telepath. Users can receive and transmit information with one’s mind without physical interaction. However, many other mind-based abilities fall under telepathy due to those powers overlapping with the core concept of telepathy, allowing a telepath to interact with their own mind and the minds of others in a variety of ways. Some of the more common abilities also considered telepathy would be perceiving the thoughts of others and detecting the presences of other minds through extrasensory means. More advanced users can influence or completely control the minds of their targets and manipulate their thoughts, memories and emotions at will. Potentially, they even control Psychic energy from their telepathic abilities, strengthening their previous powers and maybe even gaining new ones.
Telepathic Reception The user has telepathy,the psionic ability to read and control the minds and thoughts of humans, animals, and other sentient beings, and to transfer information from one mind to another without the aid of physical communication (noise or movement).A person with this ability is called a telepath. Users can receive and transmit information with one’s mind without physical interaction. However, many other mind-based abilities fall under telepathy due to those powers overlapping with the core concept of telepathy, allowing a telepath to interact with their own mind and the minds of others in a variety of ways. Some of the more common abilities also considered telepathy would be perceiving the thoughts of others and detecting the presences of other minds through extrasensory means. More advanced users can influence or completely control the minds of their targets and manipulate their thoughts, memories and emotions at will. Potentially, they even control Psychic energy from their telepathic abilities, strengthening their previous powers and maybe even gaining new ones.
Telepathy The user has telepathy,the psionic ability to read and control the minds and thoughts of humans, animals, and other sentient beings, and to transfer information from one mind to another without the aid of physical communication (noise or movement).A person with this ability is called a telepath. Users can receive and transmit information with one’s mind without physical interaction. However, many other mind-based abilities fall under telepathy due to those powers overlapping with the core concept of telepathy, allowing a telepath to interact with their own mind and the minds of others in a variety of ways. Some of the more common abilities also considered telepathy would be perceiving the thoughts of others and detecting the presences of other minds through extrasensory means. More advanced users can influence or completely control the minds of their targets and manipulate their thoughts, memories and emotions at will. Potentially, they even control Psychic energy from their telepathic abilities, strengthening their previous powers and maybe even gaining new ones.