The God Of Procrastination wrote: You are obsessed with chickens.
In what regard? I already love eating chicken.
Let's see how challenging this one may be:
I'm a Metawizard that can use almost all forms of magic with super-speed (topspeed 299 792 400 m/s just 58 m/s shy of the speed of light), time paradox immunity, rapid cellular regeneration (except wounds/injuries inflicted by magic), the strength of a million, and Supernatural Survivability.
My death also comes with a curse depending on the reason I was killed. If a person killed me thinking that I was evil - they'll be endowed with all more abilities and cannot kill themselves.
i wish that the next time someone eats cake; Detroit will blow up.
The God Of Procrastination wrote:
Staff Sergeant Jack Jackson wrote: i wish I had a Muramasa blade
The Japanese claim the Muramasa blades are cursed so that corruption is more of a benefit. I tend to take the Japanese seriously.
Staff Sergeant Jack Jackson wrote: i wish I had a Muramasa blade
I wish I could heal from any wound even fatal wounds inflicted by that muramasa blade.
i wish for a fully loaded and fully fuelled M1 Abrams tank to be sent to Rome in year 10 AD and couldn't rust, be damaged, or be destroyed until 2000 years later.