- "One day a man discovered a lake in which were many fish, and at the bottom of the lake lived a magic eel, but the man knew it not. He caught many fish and returned the next day with the people of his village whom he had told of his discovery, and they also were very successful, while one woman even laid hold of the great eel, Abaia, who dwelt in the depths of the lake, though he escaped her. Now Abaia was angry that his fish had been caught and that he himself had been seized, so he caused a great rain to fall that night, and the waters of the lake also rose, and all the people were drowned except an old woman who had not eaten of the fish and who saved herself in a tree."
- ― Literature
The power to use the abilities of Abaia. Variation of Eel Physiology and Giant Monster Physiology.
Also Called[]
- European Eel
- Giant Moray Eel
- Huge Serpent-like Fish
- The Magical Eel
The user with this ability either is or can transform into a abaia, a huge magical eel in Melanesian mythology. It is said that those who are foolish enough to try to catch the fish from a lake containing the Abaia are immediately overwhelmed by a large wave caused by the thrashing of the Abaia's powerful tail.
- Aquatic Adaptation
- Aquatic Breathing
- Cold Resistance
- Eel Physiology or Fish Physiology
- Supernatural Condition/Absolute Condition
- Gill Manifestation
- Lunglessness
- Pressure Resistance
- Speed Swimming
- Tail Manifestation
- Anger Empowerment - Abaia can go furiously against anyone who would harm or disturb their territory or children.
- Imagination Manifestation - Abaia are the byproduct of human imagination.
- Lake/River Manipulation
- Drowning
- Flood Creation
- Tidal Wave Generation - Abaia chooses to defend its lake it does so with both its magical and non-magical abilities, usually causing a huge wave by thrashing its enormous tail.
- Protection Embodiment - The Abaia is said to consider all creatures in the lake its children and protects them.
- Weather Manipulation
- Rain Generation - Can cause a great amount of rain to fall.
- Storm Generation - The Abaia can cause a great rainstorm that would flood the land and drown those who had caused them harm.
- Divine Beast Physiology
- Eel Physiology
- Fish Physiology
- Giant Monster Physiology
- Inkanyamba Physiology
- Mythical Bestiary
According to Melanesian mythology the Abaia is a type of large eel which dwells at the bottom of freshwater lakes in the Fiji, Solomon and Vanuatu Islands. The Abaia is said to consider all creatures in the lake its children and protects them furiously against anyone who would harm or disturb them. It is said that those who are foolish enough to try to catch the fish from a lake containing the Abaia are immediately overwhelmed by a large wave caused by the thrashing of the Abaia's powerful tail. Another version of the legend states that if someone were to harm a creature living in the Abaia's home, the Abaia would cause a great rain storm flooding the land and drowning those who had caused the harm.
- May have fear against the Unknown.
- Since the creature is empowered to the Magic of a subject's imagination, its existence can be counteracted by Anti-Magic/Magic Destruction/Magic Immunity/Magic Negation/Real World Enforcement.
Known Users[]
See also: Abaia
- Abaia (Dungeons and Dragons)
- Abaia (Fantastic Bestiary)
- Abaia (Final Fantasy III)
- Abaia (Melanesian Mythology)
- Abaia (Pathfinder)
- SCP-3000 (SCP Foundation)
- Giant Moray Eel (Stranded Deep)