The power to be or create abnormal weather. Variation of Weather Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Abnormes-Atmokinesis
- Chaos Weather Manipulation
- Unnatural/Weird Weather
The user either is or can create abnormal weather. This can mean a lot of things. There could be giant rain drops, the sun could go blue, it could rain things from the past, or lightning could be cold.
- Abnormal Thermal Manipulation
- Abnormal Tornado Creation
- Astral Lightning Manipulation
- Conceptual Water Manipulation
- Conceptual Wind Manipulation
- Dimensional Storm Manipulation
- Omnidirectional Disaster Waves
- Randomness Manipulation
- Supernatural Phenomena Inducement
- Weather Generation
- Weak to Normalcy Inducement.
Known Users[]
See also: Weird Weather
- Grim Gloom (The 7D)
- Baby Poof (The Fairly Oddparents)
- Cosmo and Wanda (The Fairly Oddparents)
- Domenico Pucci/Wes Bluemarine/Weather Report (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part VI: Stone Ocean); via Weather Report
- Discord (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
- Fairy Godmother (Shrek 2)
Known Objects[]
- FLDSMDFR (Cloudy With a Chance of Meatball)
Known Locations[]
- Land of Ooo (Adventure Time)
- Mikurigaoka New Town (Ghost Fixers)
- Grand Line (One Piece)
- New World (One Piece)
Known Weathers[]
- Knife/Sword Rain/Storm (Adventure Time)
- Cats & Dog (Camp Camp)
- Fafrotskies (Ghost Fixers)
- Knife Storm (The Motherless Oven)
- Sharknadoes (Sharknado); tornadoes filled with sharks.