Superpower Wiki

The power to craft anything at the ultimate level. Advanced version of Supernatural Artisan.

Also Called

  • All Mighty Artisan/Artisanship
  • Grand Master Artisanship
  • Ultimate Artisan/Artisanship


User can craft craft anything out of anything/everything that may be functional or strictly decorative out of any/all materials or substances including physical, mental, spiritual, imaginary, abstract/conceptual materials and substances at incredible speed.

They can make things like furniture, sculpture, clothing, jewelry, household items and tools or even machines such as the handmade devices of a watchmaker, up to and including architecture and do so in ways that are normally impossible by normal standers or with materials they are made out of to do so, crafting items and objects that are all powerful objects, conceptual tools, objects and weapons and anything else they want. Some users may be able to go even further then that, allowing them to craft objects that become an essential part of the world itself.






  • May require tools.
  • Takes time.
  • Some items may be absolutely unique and unrepeatable, even for their maker.
  • May not be able to destroy what they create.