Superpower Wiki
"When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come to pass: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.” "
― 1 Corinthians 15:54
"I can't even beat that worm in my imagination! We're doomed, Monkey! Horribly, horribly doomed! ... the end! Did you like your story?"
― Professor Monkey-For-A-Head (Earthworm Jim)
"I've tried everything I can think of, but I can't undo Him. I don't really understand how, but I think He's above me now, and whatever is above me, too, because whoever wrote my narrative isn't happy about this. I don’t know where He’s at now, but I think He exists in all of our realities simultaneously. Eventually He’ll either reach the top or just keep going, and neither option is good."
― SCP-3812's author about SCP-3812
"If you lay a hand on it, you will remember the struggle and never do it again! Any hope of subduing it is false; the mere sight of it is overpowering. No one is fierce enough to rouse it. When it rises up, the mighty are terrified; they retreat before its thrashing. It makes the depths churn like a boiling caldron and stirs up the sea like a pot of ointment. Nothing on earth is its equal-- a creature without fear. It looks down on all that are haughty; it is king over all that are proud."
― Job 41:8-34

The state of being absolutely undefeatable and indomitable. Form/Expression of Omnipotence. Absolute version of Unlosability. Not to be confused with Absolute Invulnerability.

Also Called[]

  • Almighty/Absolute/Meta/Pata/Omni/Omnipotent/Infinite/Ultimate/Godly/Divine/Supreme/Boundless/Transcendent /Illimitable/Limitless/Unlimited/Unrestricted/Total/True/Perfect/Complete Invincibility/Unbeatability/Undefeatability/Unlosability/Indomitability
  • True All-Invincibility/All-Encapsulating Undefeatableness
  • Truly Invincible/Unbeatable/Undefeatable/Unlosable/Indomitable Physiology
  • Eternal/Infinite/Boundless/Limitless/Unlimited/Singular/Truly Victory Supremacy
  • The Invincibility of God
  • True Defeatlessness
  • Invincibility-Aspect of Omnipotence


Users are unlimitedly and infinitely invincible and absolutely independent in all aspects: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, conceptual, etc. The probability of losing or drawing in a matchup would always be zero, and this is valid for any type of matchup. where each and every aspect of the user is tested.

For some users, their invincibility can possibly be selective in nature, as such the user would be simply too powerful to be defeated and overcome by anyone in the entirety of their setting that they exist in, overcoming, overriding and overpowering all forces easily as if they didn't exist at all, treating them as infinitely inferior to them, being absolutely unstoppable in every sense of the word.

Others may be unable to be defeated by anything or anyone in their setting due to outside forces preventing them from ever being defeated. So even if the user wants to lose they will never be able to. Others inherently possess no weaknesses at all, giving them immunity to everything that can harm them, essentially making them totally invincible and immune to anything and everything. Others simply transcend all vulnerabilities and limitations that could anchor them to possible defeat. And finally, others cannot be overcome simply because they're in a state and quality of being free from all possible forms of flaws or defects and/or because of their omnipotent nature. Therefore, the user is unable to ever lose at anything as there is nothing the user can't do and flawlessly achieve at will. Examples for this kind of invincibility in particular can be explained in the following: in a chess match where the user has one king against an opponent with 63 queens in a typical 8×8 board, they would still win effortlessly despite having no background in the board game. In a confrontation of immortality, the user would simply outlive the other no matter how complete their immortality is. In a confrontation of intelligence, the user would simply outsmart their opponent. However, the most common application of this power is on the battlefield, where users would be able to truly exemplify their full potential.

Simply put, users cannot be beaten, unless the users wants to be beaten. This is because defeating a absolutely invincible being is equivalent to defeating a truly omnipotent being.

Applications (General)[]

Applications (Detail)[]


Known Users[]

  • Allah/God Almighty/Jehovah/Yahweh (Abrahamic Religion)
  • Para Brahman (Hinduism)
  • Bathala (Philippine Mythology)
    • Bulon La Mogoaw
    • Kadaw La Sambad
  • Jesus Christ (Christianity)
  • The Holy Spirit (Christianity)
  • Behemoth (Judeo-Christianity)
  • Leviathan (Judeo-Christianity)
  • Ziz (Judeo-Christianity)
  • Māna-Yood-Sushāī (The Gods of Pegāna)
  • The Supernormal State (SCP Foundation); Chinese Branch
  • Sam Howell/SCP-3812 - A Voice Behind Me (SCP Foundation)
  • The Supreme Archetype (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • The Archetypes (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • BB (Fate/Extra CCC) via Potnia Theron
  • Undoubtedly First (Cryptozoi)
  • Empty Hand (DC Comics)
  • Cosmic Armor Superman/Thought Robot (DC Comics)
  • Monitor-Mind/The Overvoid (DC Comics)
  • Sai Akuto (Demon King Daimao)
  • Law of Identity (Demon King Daimao)
  • Sol Invictus/The Unconquered Sun (Exalted)
  • Pankrator Jagganoth (Kill Six Billion Demons)
  • Fantabulaman (MAD Comics )
  • Oblivion (Marvel Comics)
  • Virgil, The Ring Lord (Saga Frontier)
  • Lord of Nightmares/L-Sama (Slayers)
  • The Fireman/JUDY/Senorita Dido (Twin Peaks)
  • The White Light (Transrealist)
  • The Creators (Umineko no Naku Koro ni)
    • Featherine Augustus Aurora
    • Maria Ushiromiya; eventually via The Magic of Origins
  • Caine (Vampire the Masquerade)
  • 4th Brother (Ten Brothers)
  • Eru Iluvatar (Tolkienverse)
  • Destroyer (Valkyrie Crusade)
  • Saint of Killers (Vertigo Comics)
  • Max Faraday (Wildstorm Comics)
  • Drake Moon (Hell High)
  • Nikolai McClain (Hell High)
  • The Principal (Hell High)


