Superpower Wiki

The power to manipulate soul of all realities everywhere. Ultimate version of Soul Manipulation. Sub-power of Soul Embodiment and Soul Lordship. Variation of Meta Life-Force Manipulation. Not to be confused with Meta Life-Force Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Boundless/Meta Soul Control/Manipulation
  • Omni Soul/Spirit/Ghost Manipulation
  • Omniversal Soul Manipulation


The user is able to create, shape and manipulate the souls, spirits and ghosts of all aspects, of all places, realities, dimensions/realms, times, universes, etc., regardless of their location such as those in a higher dimension/plane, heaven, hell, or a metaphysical/conceptual one (i.e., a dream/dream world, an illustration, a complete void, in-between or outside fantasy and reality, an illogical/paradoxical world), The user will be able to create, shape and manipulate any and all forms of soul forces at an absolute level, gaining unimaginable power and great abilities involving all the forces of souls in the multiverse and everything connected to them.



  • Absolute Life Manipulation; (By manipulating souls of any shape of form, users might manipulate the essence of life of all lifeforms by extension)
  • Omniverse Manipulation; (Via the manipulation of all souls in totality. One has the attribute of commandeering any, every, and all aspects governed by which)


Known Users[]


  • The Shaman King (Shaman King); via The Great Spirit
    • Hao Asakura


  • God (Abrahamic Faiths)
  • Holy Spirit (Abrahamic Faiths)
  • Ammit (Egyptian Mythology)
  • Phanes (Greek/Persian Mythology)

Web Original[]

  • The Brothers Death (SCP Foundation)

Known Rules[]

  • The Natural Order (Supernatural)

Known Objects[]

  • Soul Gem (Marvel Comics); with the infinity gauntlet.

Known Locations[]

  • Graveyard of the Gods (DC Comics)