The power to generate corrosive acids. Sub-power of Acid Manipulation. Variation of Chemical Generation, Elemental Generation and Organic Generation. Opposite to Base Generation.
Also Called[]
- Acid Creation/Secretion
The user can generate acids and other caustic/corrosive substances of various levels of corrosiveness, from weak burning sensations to burning a big hole in even the strongest materials.
- Acid Immunity/Base Generation
- Takes time to control due to the risk of the ability could accidentally destroy items the users didn't mean to destroy.
- Noble metals are resistant to acids.
- May have a limit on how much acid that can be produce.
- May have a limit on what kinds of acids user can produce.
Known Users[]
- Umbrasyl (Critical Role/Legend of Vox Machina)
- Hydramon (Digimon)
- Gorses (People Playground)
- Kang Han Soo (FFF-Class Trashero)
- Acid Spitting Dragons (How To Train Your Dragon)
- Magellan (One Piece)
- Deep Sea King (One-Punch Man)
- Terumī Mei/Fifth Mizukage (Naruto)
- Katsuyu (Naruto)
- Utakata (Naruto)
- Saiken (Naruto)
- Lily (Code: Breaker)
- Sesshomaru (InuYasha)
- Gluttony (Fullmetal Alchemist); acidic saliva
- Preta Ghoul (Black Cat)
- Hendrickson (Nanatsu no Taizai)
- Agony (Marvel Comics)
- Scorpion (Marvel Comics)
- David Haller/Legion (Marvel Comics); via Personality 762
- Anarchist (Marvel Comics)
- Man-Thing (Marvel Comics)
- David North/Agent Zero (Marvel Comics)
- James Natale/Vulture (Marvel Comics)
- Norman Osborn/Spider-Goblin (Ultimate Spider-Man 2012)
- Lehvak (BIONICLE)
- Artilas (Geneforge series)
- Roamers (Geneforge Series)
- Corroder (Hero Factory)
- The Freaks (Crackdown 2)
- Reptile (Mortal Kombat Series)
- Hazmat (Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects)
- Viron.Volkov (Storm of the Imperial Sanctum)
- Subterran.Unix (Storm of the Imperial Sanctum)
- Joseph Bertrand III (Infamous 2)
- The Xenomorphs (Aliens)
- Yukio Fusou (DDD)
- Saibamen (Dragon Ball Z)
- Kat (Kid vs Kat)
- Keelerak (BIONICLE); Rhotuka spinner power
- The Vulture/Jimmy Natale (Marvel Comics)
- The Bahrag queens (BIONICLE)
- Goop (Ben 10: Alien Force)
- Toepick's Species (Ben 10: Omniverse)
- Acid Breath (Ben 10)
- Great One (Ben 10)
- Scabbar Demons (Charmed)
- Karen Young (Charmed)
- Bjorn Yandel (Surviving The Game as a Barbarian)
- Various Characters (The Order of the Stick)
- Guy with Acid Spit (Sky High)
- Pop Fizz (Skylanders); via Acid Potion
- Fat Belly Spiders (Skylanders)
- Horta (Star Trek)
- Experiment 051 "Hocker" (Lilo & Stitch)
- Quarry (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003)
- Angel Salvadore (Marvel Comics)
- Pokémon that can use "Acid" and "Acid Spray" (Pokémon)
- Toxis (Slugterra)
- Melona (Queen's Blade)
- SCP-157 - Mimetic Predator (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-160 - Predator Drone (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-173 - The Sculpture (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-811 - Swamp Woman (SCP Foundation)
- Zero-Grav Mutants (System Shock)
- Gear REX (Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker)
- Burak/Gabo Alvarez (Kidlat - Filipino Superhero TV Series)
- Tomokui Kanata/Rou (Re:Monster)
- Black Hat (Villainous)
- Mina Ashido (My Hero Academia)
- Leopardon Papipurio (Konjiki no Gash Bell!)
- Takasago (Rewrite)
- Various kaiju & aliens (Ultraman series)
- Lee (Your Pretty Face Is Going To Hell)
- Snotzi (The Awesomes)
- Hexxus (Ferngully: the Last Rainforest)
- Sora Inoue (Bleach)
- Toxic Seahorse (Mega Man X3)
- Acid Man (Mega Man 11)
- Dr. Nautilus (Power Playerz)
- Coco (Toriko)
- Centipeetle/Nephrite Facet-415 Cabochon-12 (Steven Universe)
- Queen (Deltarune)
- Prometheus Black/Meltdown (Transformers Animated)
- Galuf (Mashle: Magic And Muscles)
- Huckleberry (Huckleberry)
- Eimin (Marvel Comics)
- Solution Epsilon (Overlord)
- Bile Spitters (Helldivers 2)
- Bile Spewers (Helldivers 2)
- Nursing Spewers (Helldivers 2)
- Bile Titans (Helldivers 2)
- Spitter (Left 4 Dead 2
Known Objects[]
- SCP-294 - The Coffee Machine (SCP Foundation)
Gorses (People Playground) are arachnid creatures that have acid blood, that can be repurposed and used as a defense mechanism.
While in his Saiken Tailed Beast Transformation state, Utakata (Naruto) can use Leech Gap to ooze an extremely alkaline liquid, which burns upon contact.
Sesshomaru's (InuYasha) claws release deadly acidic poison which can melt flesh and virtually anything else very quickly and he can also spray the poison from his claws.
David North/Agent Zero (Marvel Comics) secretes a potent anti-healing factor corrosive...
Changewings (How To Train Your Dragon TV series) are rare dragons that can launch concentrated streams of acid at victims.
Deathgrippers (How To Train Your Dragon) can breathe more flammable acid that can melt or disintegrate anything.
In response to fear, the Man-Thing (Marvel Comics) produces a powerful corrosive acid that can even harm the Hulk.
Lee (Your Pretty Face Is Going To Hell) is an Onryo that is able to burn others with skin contact...
SCP-035 - Possessive Mask (SCP Foundation) secretes acidic substance of unknown origin that corrodes various materials.
Mina Ashido (My Hero Academia) can secrete an acidic compound from her body. Despite the potentially dangerous effects, her Quirk doesn't bother her much.
Papipurio (Konjiki no Gash Bell!) can generate acid from his mouth either with his Jyoboido, Gigano Jyoboido, or Dioga Jyoboido spell.
Norman Osborn/Spider-Goblin (Ultimate Spider-Man 2012) has highly corrosive acid saliva that he can spit out as a projectile against his enemies.