Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki

The power to manipulate the acidity levels in acids and bases. Sub-power of Acid Manipulation. Variation of Property Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Acidity Control
  • Acidity Function Manipulation/Control
  • Causticity Manipulation/Control


The user can manipulate the acidity function of all forms of acids, bases and alkaline compounds. Allowing the user to augment the acidity/causticity of all forms of acids and bases, such as turning a mild irritant like citric acid into becoming just as acidic as fluoroantimonic acid or the user can do the opposite and turn a potentially deadly acid into a completely harmless one.

The user can even control the acidity of substances possessing levels of acidity, such as increasing the acidic strength in soda pop to turn a refreshing glass of cola into a powerful super acid.


Levels of Acidity[]

  • Level I: Mild Irritant
  • Level II: Painful Irritant
  • Level III: Burning Irritant
  • Level IV: Mildly Acidic
  • Level V: Acidic
  • Level VI: Highly Acidic
  • Level VII: Necrotizing
  • Level VIII: Metal/Stone/otherwise tough material melting
  • Level IX: Ultimate Acid



  • May have a limit of how far one can increase or decrease acidity.
  • May only be able to effect acid generated by the user or outside sources.

Known Users[]

  • Polymorphs (Ben 10 series)
    • Goop
    • Negative Goop
  • Mina Ashido/Alien Queen (My Hero Academia)
  • Magellan (One Piece); via the Doku Doku no Mi