Superpower Wiki

The ability to possess beauty of motion and action.

Also Called

  • Enhanced Gracefulness


User with this ability can utilize aesthetic movements, actions and attacks, with aesthetic meaning beauty, in this case, beauty of motion and action. With this power, the beauty of one's actions and movements can attract or draw attention of others, making them awe in what the user does or otherwise being hypnotic, The user also moves and acts fluidly and smoothly to add to the beauty of their actions. This can apply to gross or fine motor skills. Their aesthetics in action, movement and attack make them better than the best of ballet dancers.




  • Can still experience exhaustion.
  • Over time the joints of the person could become inflamed and arthritic.
  • May need practice to keep in check.
  • May not prevent from crashing or hitting things.
  • Usually requires focus to make such movements and actions.
  • May need room to perform.

Known Users

  • Cendrillon (A Certain Magical Index)