- "It is possible to be fast enough to cause slicing winds..."
- ― Kalifa describing Rankyaku/Tempest Kick (One Piece)
The power to use wind to slice apart targets. Sub-power of Air Attacks. Variation of Elemental Cutting.
Also Called[]
- Aerial Blade
- Slicing Wind
- Air Blades/Cutter/Razor/Sickle/Slash/Slicing
- Cleaving Wind
- Cutting Wind
- Flying Slash Attack (One Piece)
- Kuretsusen
- Rankyaku/Tempest Kick (One Piece)
- Razor Wind Generation/Projection
- Vacuum Blade/Cut
- Wind Blades/Cutting/Razor/Sickle/Slash/Slice
The user can project wind or sound in a way that allows them to cut through matter from a distance. Although this attack does usually slashing damage, some users are able to focus it into single piercing stab like an immaterial bullet.
- Aerokinetic Blade Construction
- Aerokinetic Claws
- Aerokinetic Sword Proficiency
- Blade Projection
- Cutting Field Projection
- Cutting Wave
- Enhanced Swordsmanship
- Pressure Strike
- Sharpness Manipulation
- Slash Effect
- Slash Projection
- Sword Beam Emission
- The amount of slicing may be dependent on the strength of the cutting power.
- May not be able to cut through some materials.
- May need a source of power.
- Absolute Invulnerability, Cutting Immunity and Flawless Indestructibility are perfect counters.
- Aerokinetic Immunity.
- Air Absorption.
- Air Negation.
Known Users[]
See Also: Razor Wind.
- Kamaitachi (Japanese Mythology)
- Enshin (Akame Ga Kill!)
- Kenichirō Morio (Alive: The Final Evolution)
- Worton (Bakugan)
- Koshirō Chikuma (Basilisk)
- Serpico (Berserk); via Sylph Sword
- Falborg (Beyblade)
- Sickle Weasel (Beyblade)
- Rock/Fang Leone (Beyblade Metal Saga)
- Yuno (Black Clover)
- Kensei Muguruma (Bleach)
- Jin Kariya (Bleach)
- Sakura Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card)
- Gale (Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card)
- Kōji (Code:Breaker)
- Dabura (Dragon Ball Z)
- Aiz Wallenstein (DanMachi); via Magic Infusion
- Pikkon (Dragon Ball Z)
- Vegito (Dragon Ball Z)
- Super Buu (Dragon Ball Z)
- Oceanus Shenron (Dragon Ball GT)
- Fused Zamasu (Dragon Ball Super)
- Ikaruga (Fairy Tail)
- Erigor (Fairy Tail)
- Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail)
- August (Fairy Tail)
- Kris Rutherford (Edens Zero)
- Wamuu (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part II: Battle Tendency)
- Nanto Suicho Ken Practitioners (Fist of the North Star)
- Yuda (Fist of the North Star)
- Shu (Fist of the North Star)
- Fūko Kirisawa (Flame of Recca)
- Neptune/Purple Heart (Hyperdimension Neptunia series)
- Nepgear/Purple Sister (Hyperdimension Neptunia series)
- Kagura the Wind Sorceress (InuYasha)
- InuYasha (InuYasha)
- Takumi Kayano (Isekai Yururi Kikou)
- Momo Nishimiya (Jujutsu Kaisen); via Wind Scythe
- Seri Awashima (K Project)
- Kazuma Yagami (Kaze no Stigma)
- Demon Slayers (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
- Kyogai (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
- Fuu Hououji (Magic Knight Rayearth)
- Diana (Marchen Awakens Romance)
- Dorothy (Marchen Awakens Romance)
- Fuugi (Marchen Awakens Romance)
- Orb of Caldia (Marchen Awakens Romance)
- Rapunzel (Marchen Awakens Romance)
- Chimera (Marchen Awakens Romance)
- Users of Wind Release (Naruto)
- Elaine (Nanatsu no Taizai)
- Sariel (Nanatsu no Taizai)
- Jubei Kibagami (Ninja Scroll)
- Six Powers/Rokushiki Masters (One Piece); via Rankyaku/Tempest Kick
- Roronoa Zoro (One Piece)
- Dracule Mihawk (One Piece)
- Ryuma (One Piece)
- Shiki (One Piece)
- Donquixote Doflamingo (One Piece)
- Diamante (One Piece)
- Eric (One Piece)
- Tatewaki Kuno (Ranma ½)
- Ryū Kumon (Ranma ½)
- Raijūta Isurugi (Rurouni Kenshin)
- Amidamaru (Shaman King)
- Yomi (Sekirei)
- Zebra (Toriko)
- Randō (Yu Yu Hakusho)
- Roto (Yu Yu Hakusho)
- Shura Kirigakure (Honkai Impact 3rd)
- Yuna Tzakranaky (Karsearin: Adventures of a Red Dragon); via Wind of Cutter
- Users of Wind Magic (Re:Zero)
Video Games[]
- Yasha (Asura's Wrath)
- Lehvak-Kal (Bionicle)
- Sephiroth (Compilation of Final Fantasy VII)
- Dante (Devil May Cry)
- Vergil (Devil May Cry)
- Nero (Devil May Cry)
- Harpymon (Digimon)
- Wind Dinosaurs/Small Theropods (Dinosaur King)
- Skilled Swordsmen (Disgaea: Hour of Darkness)
- Rena (Elsword)
- Vildred (Epic Seven)
- Bellona Moune (Epic Seven)
- Goenitz (King of Fighters)
- Kirby (Kirby)
- Landia (Kirby)
- Meta Knight (Kirby)
- Riven (League of Legends)
- Ryū Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden)
- Flying-type Pokémon (Pokémon)
- Users of "Air Cutter", "Air Slash", "Razor Wind", and "Vacuum Wave" (Pokémon)
- Rance (Rance series)
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Yuri Lowell (Tales of Vesperia)
- Link (The Legend of Zelda)
- Youmu Konpaku (Touhou Project)
- Komachi Onozuka(Touhou Project)
- Arcueid Brunestud (TYPE-MOON)
- Wanderer("Genshin Impact")
- Airbenders (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
- Avatars (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
- Walter Shreeve/Shriek (Batman Beyond)
- Mia Watanabe (Power Rangers Samurai)
- Leonardo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- Hiroshi X (Knight of the Abyss)
- Stormtiger (Worm)
- Kazikli Bey (Worm)
Known Objects[]
- Sylph Sword (Berserk)
- Fuusouken Hayate (Kamen Rider Saber)
- Vortex-Beam Ring/Spin (Marvel Comics)
- Byakko (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 TV series)
- Orb Slugger Lance (Ultraman)
Enshin (Akame Ga Kill!) using the Teigu, Moonlight Sword Dance: Shamshir, which creates aerial blades.
Koshirō Chikuma (Basilisk) breathes out Kamaitachi, a vacuum that sucks in the target and shreds them to pieces.
Tōshirō Hitsugaya (Bleach) uses Vacuum Ice Blade to combine ice blades with a vacuum wave to cut through anything.
Super Buu (Dragon Ball Z) flying with such intense ki that he created a razor-sharp gust that sliced down a cliffside he passed by.
Vegito (Dragon Ball Z) using his Kiai to create a razor-sharp gust of wind to cut open Super Buu's cheek.
Using Divine Hammer, Fused Zamasu (Dragon Ball Super) swings his arm with such force that he projects winds that can slash through buildings.
Practitioners of South Dipper Holy Fist (Fist of the North Star) can generate air pressure to cut the victims from the outside...
Inuyasha (InuYasha) sends energy into the rift of demonic energy between himself and his opponent's swirling in the wind to fire off the Wind Scar.
Aiz Wallenstein (DanMachi) can infuse wind magic into her sword strikes, creating blades of wind that slash targets.
Kyogai (Kimetsu no Yaiba) can unleash extremely sharp wind that can slice through people and buildings.
The Air-Cutting Flash (Love Hina, Negima!, UQ Holder) is one of the signature technique of the Gods' Cry School.
Rapunzel (Marchen Awakens Romance) is able to concentrate her magical power to her sharp nails to create slicing waves of air. She exclusively used this technique to execute her War Games teammates as punishment for losing.
Kiba Inuzuka and Akamaru (Naruto) using Fang Wolf Fang to spin so ferociously they create a vacuum vortex that cuts without touching.
Danzō Shimura (Naruto) firing Wind Release: Vacuum Wave blades to viciously slice through his assailants.
Baki (Naruto) using Wind Release: Blade of Wind, attack that incorporates sharpness and pinpoint accuracy.
Temari (Naruto) can use her Giant Folding Fan for Sickle Weasel Technique and its stronger variants, releasing countless sharp vacuum pockets.
Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto) producing Wind Release: Rasenshuriken, air blades that damage an opponent's nerve channels.
Orochimaru (Naruto) using Wind Release: Great Breakthrough to create a blast of razor-sharp winds at Victor.
Shojoji (Naruto) uses Wind Release: Sword of the Wind Count to release a sharp wave of compressed wind from his hands.
Hayama Shirakumo (Naruto) is a highly skilled swordsman able to combine wind chakra with his sword slashes to project them at the enemy to deflect projectiles and...
Ryū Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden) using the Art of the Wind Blades to create vacuum blades that bifurcate all in its path.
Dracule Hawk-Eye Mihawk (One Piece) slices through the air itself with his Kokuto Kogetsu technique.
Masters of Six Powers/Rokushiki (One Piece) can kick the air so fast that they create a sharp compressed blast of air called Rankyaku/Tempest Kick...
...Kaku using his strongest variant Rankyaku: Amane Dachi, a rotating kick that sends a 360-degree slicing shock wave...
Donquixote Doflamingo (One Piece) kicking so hard that he caused a shock wave slicing through his palace's towers.
Ryū Kumon (Ranma ½) using the Demon-God Multiple Strike to tear the air apart, creating vacuum blades.
Raijūta Isurugi (Rurouni Kenshin) using Izuna, creating a vacuum blade that severed Yutarō's nerves but left with no bleeding...
Wamuu (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part II: Battle Tendency) using his Divine Sandstorm, razor-sharp winds generated from his own body that is capable of shredding a human being to pieces.