The ability to negate air/wind. Sub-power of Air Manipulation. Variation of Elemental Negation.
Also Called[]
- Air Cancellation
- Aerokinetic Cancellation
- Wind Cancellation/Negation
The user can negate air/wind and any air/wind-using attacks, ignoring their effects.
- Aerial Adaptation
- Aerokinetic Immunity
- Air Absorption
- Air Manipulation
- Elemental Negation
- Flight
- Unrestricted Movement
- May have limits in how much wind speed the user can resist.
- Cannot ignore other forces such as gravity.
Known Users[]
- NiGHTS (NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams); via Dragon Mask Persona
- Link (The Legend of Zelda); via Iron Boots
Known Powers[]
- Wind Management (Disgaea 5)
- Null Wind (Persona 4)
Known Objects[]
- Wind Crystal (Final Fantasy V); when damaged or broken