- "To Alcohol! The cause of... and solution to... all of life's problems."
- ― Homer Simpson (The Simpsons)
The power to manipulate alcohol. Variation of Food Manipulation and Drink Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Alcohol Control
- Alcokinesis
- Dictukinesis
The user can create, shape and manipulate alcohol and alcoholic beverages, including beers, wines, and spirits.
- Alcohol Attacks
- Alcohol Constructs
- Alcohol Generation
- Alcohol Immunity
- Intoxication Inducement
- Manipulate the properties of alcohol.
- Solidify alcohol.
- Viscosity Manipulation
- Move/lift alcohol.
- Flight with alcohol.
- Matter Surfing by riding a wave of alcohol.
- Alcohol Absorption
- Alcohol Augmentation
- Alcohol Aura
- Alcohol Empowerment
- Alcohol Invisibility
- Alcohol Mimicry
- Alcohol Portal Creation
- Alcohol Transmutation
- Drowning using alcohol.
- Drunken Combat
- Hydroportation using alcohol
- Purification brewed from blessed water
- Acid Manipulation
- Alchemy
- Depressant Manipulation
- Drink Manipulation
- Elemental Transmutation
- Flower Manipulation
- Food Manipulation
- Fruit/Vegetable Manipulation
- Grass Manipulation
- Harvest Manipulation
- Organic Manipulation
- Plant Manipulation
- Poison Manipulation
- Sugar Manipulation
- Alcohol is flammable, so fire and heat based powers are highly effective against it.
- Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.
- May be unable to create alcohol, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.
- Can lead the user to thirst and morbid gluttony when he finds out that he has the capacity to drink and materialize any alcohol he wants at will.
- Without Alcohol Immunity and/or Enhanced/Supernatural Metabolism, the user may suffer from the dangerous and potentially fatal health side effects of alcohol abuse.
Known Users[]
- Micro-Benders (Futurama); Can manipulate the atomic structure of Water (H2O) into Ethanol Alcohol (-OH)
- Dionysus/Bacchus (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Users of the Alcohol Gaia Memory (Futo Detective/Futo Tantei)
- Queen Beelzebub (Helluva Boss)
- Chris (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?)
- Kushi (Okami)
- Vasco Shot (One Piece)
- Jesus (The Bible)
- Emerald Dragon (Toriko)
- Saketoke (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Bacchus (Valkyrie Crusade)