- "Just this once, you think you could turn water into a bloody mary?"
- ― Rodney Dangerfield talking to Jesus (The Simpsons)
The power to transform matter into alcohol. Technique of Alcohol Manipulation. Variation of Drink Transmutation.
Also Called[]
- Dictukinesis/Alcohol Transmogrification/Conversion/Morphokinesis/Polymorphing/Alteration/Altering/Transmutation/Transmogrification/Transmutagene/Transformation Inducement/Transubstantiation
- Alcoholification
- Alcoholization
- Alcohol Touch
The user can transform matter and objects, including living beings, into alcohol or alcoholic beverages, including beers, wines, spirits, etc.
- Alcohol Manipulation
- Alcohol Mimicry
- Drink Manipulation
- Food Transmutation
- Organic Generation
- Organic Manipulation
- May require constant contact with the object/person to prevent it from returning to its normal form.
- May require eye-contact, touch or some other action.
- May only be able to transform certain matter into wine.
- Effects may be temporary or irreversible.
- Some targets may be immune.
- May be limited on how much matter can be changed at once.
- Power could be constantly on causing the user to kill by accident.
- Transmutation Immunity/Immutability.
- Absolute Restoration, Restoration, Flawless Restoration and Transmutation Reversal can undo the transmutation.
Known Users[]
- Jesus Christ (Christianity)
- Micro-Benders (Futurama); Can manipulate the atomic structure of Water (H2O) into Ethanol Alcohol (-OH)
- Dionysus/Bacchus (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Known Objects[]
- Beni Hisago (Digimon)
- Loco Fruits (Rising of the Shield Hero)
- SCP-3573 - The Rubedo Reserve Oinopoeic Sublimator (SCP Foundation); Limited to human blood.