- "How blithely you use the word alien; you have no idea how alien a thing can be."
- ― The Dark Side of the Sun, Terry Pratchett
- "This planet is the home to the largest mass of organic creatures ever seen. What breeds down in the pits of the planet is unknown and unrecognizable but can be purchased for a low price at Woboo: Land O' Meat."
- ― Merchant on the planet Gyges. (Tyrian)
- "Oh my god, how are you doing that?"
"I'm from outerspace, Jeff. I can do lots of cool shit." - ― Jeff Fischer-Smith and Roger Smith (American Dad!)
- "No one would have believed, in the early years of the 21st century, that this world was being watched by intelligences greater than our own, that as men and women busied themselves about their various concerns, they observed and studied, perhaps almost as narrowly as we, with a microscope, might observe the transient creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. With infinite complacency, humanity went to and fro about the globe, serene in their assurance of their empire over matter. No one gave a thought of the other worlds of space as sources of human danger or thought of them only to dismiss the idea of life upon them as impossible or improbable. Yet, across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic regarded our planet with envious eyes and slowly, and surely, drew their plans against us."
- ― Opening Narration (Grey Skies: A War of the Worlds Story)
The power to use the traits and abilities of an extraterrestrial. Variation of Cryptid Physiology and Animal Morphing.
Also Called[]
- Alien Biological Entity Physiology/Mimicry
- Alien Form/Mimicry
- Extraterrestrial Being/Creature/Entity Mimicry/Physiology
- Extraterrestrial Form/Lifeform/Mimicry/Physiology
- Space Being/Creature/Entity Mimicry/Physiology
- Xeno Being/Creature/Entity Mimicry/Physiology
User with this ability either is or can transform into an extraterrestrial/alien: life forms that are of extraterrestrial origin or originate from beyond Earth. Given the near-infinite variety of possible extraterrestrials, even only the ones in fiction, a user can conceivably use nearly any power.
- Gain the form of extraterrestrials from fables/Fiction/UFO Lore .
- Possess any special abilities of extraterrestrial creatures.
Common Alien Abilities[]
- Advanced Technology
- Alien Blood
- Camouflage/Invisibility
- DNA Replication
- Enhanced/Supernatural Condition
- Enhanced Inventing
- Environmental Adaptation/Extreme Temperature Resistance
- Extraterrestrial Energy Manipulation
- Flight/Levitation
- Healing
- Hive Mind
- Hollow Skeleton
- Immortality
- Intangibility
- Invulnerability
- Natural Weaponry
- Planetary Adaptation
- Psionics
- Reactive Adaptation
- Self-Sustenance
- Shapeshifting
- Tractor Beam Emission
- Unnatural Quality
- Vacuum Adaptation
Alien Variations[]
Types (Earth's Solar (Sol) System)[]
Types (UFO Lore)[]
- Crawfordsville Monster
- Domsten Blob
- Dover Demon
- Flatwoods Monster
- Grey
- Hairy Dwarf
- Hopkinsville Goblin
- Insectoid
- Pleaidian
- Reptoid
Types (General)[]
- Alien Animal
- Alien Deity
- Alien Dinosaur
- Alien Dragon
- Alien Hybrid
- Alien Kaiju
- Alien Mage
- Alien Monster
- Alien Werebeast
- Alpha Alien
- Ancient Alien
- Angelic-Alien
- Atlantean
- Composite Alien
- Demonic-Alien
- Elemental-Extraterrestrial
- Extraterrestrial Robot
- Half-Alien
- Heavyworlder
- Humanoid Alien
- Lightworlder
- Mutant Alien
- Superior Alien
- Transcendent Alien
- Undead-Alien
- Vampiric-Alien
- Zombified Alien
- Alien Creation
- Alien Manipulation
- Alien Mind
- Alien Power Replication
- Alien Soul
- Alien Symbiosis
- Alienization
- Classic Monster
- Human Physiology
- Normal Folk
- Sci-fi Manipulation
- Superpowered Physiology
- Xenostudies Mastery
Known Users[]
See Also: Alien Tropes, Bizarre Alien Biology, and Aliens Wiki.
- Aliens (Astro Note)
- Monomakia (Brigadoon: Marin & Melan)
- Catians (Cat Planet Cuties)
- VIRM (Darling in the Franxx)
- Aliens (Dandadan)
- Dover Demon's Race
- Flatwoods Monster
- Serpo
- Cyberdramon (Digimon)
- Vademon (Digimon)
- Vademon X (Digimon)
- Aliens (Dragon Ball series)
- Angels (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
- Adam
- Lilith
- First Ancestral Race (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
- Corona (Ryuji Masuda's Funny Pets)
- Crescent (Ryuji Masuda's Funny Pets)
- Amanto (Gintama)
- Yato Clan
- Kagura (Gintama)
- Kamui (Gintama)
- Zeiram (Iria: Zeiram the Animation)
- Mikitaka Hazekura (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part IV: Diamond is Unbreakable); unconfirmed but very likely
- Gauna (Knights of Sidonia)
- Tsumugi Shiraui (Knights of Sidonia)
- Aliens (Macross)
- Ōtsutsuki Clan (Naruto series)
- Space Pirates (One Piece)
- Aliens (One-Punch Man)
- Spirits (Date A Live)
- Wevian (Otome No Harawata Hoshi No Iro)
- Ctarl-Ctarl (Outlaw Star)
- Various Aliens (Petty Cure franchise)
- Incubators (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
- Kyubey
- Various Aliens (Scan2Go)
- Keronians (Sgt. Frog)
- Aliens (Sonic X)
- Garmillas (Space Battleship Yamato)
- Delia (Stitch!)
- Devilukeans (To Love-Ru)
- Aliens (Urusei Yatsura)
- Aliens (Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!!)
- Neighbors (World Trigger)
- Exif (Godzilla Anime Trilogy)
- Bilusaludo (Godzilla Anime Trilogy)
- Buff clan (Space Runaway Ideon)
- Various Aliens (Edens Zero)
Live Television/Movies[]
- Tenctonese (Alien Nation)
- Darah (Benji, Zax & the Alien Prince)
- Khyber (Benji, Zax & the Alien Prince)
- Prince Yubi (Benji, Zax & the Alien Prince)
- Siriusians (Children of the Dog Star)
- Coordinator Zang (Dani's House)
- Coordinator Zark (Dani's House)
- Aliens (Doctor Who)
- Cybermen
- Ashad
- Daleks
- Dalek Caan
- Gallifreyans
- The Doctor
- Weeping Angels
- Angel Bob
- Zygons
- Osgood
- Cybermen
- Aliens (Freaky)
- Various Aliens (Kamen Rider Franchise)
- Blood Tribe (Kamen Rider Build)
- Granutes (Kamen Rider Gavv)
- Pleskit (I Was a Sixth Grade Alien)
- Several Characters (Mighty Med)
- Blancmange (Monty Python's Flying Circus)
- Annelids (Men in Black)
- Arquillians (Men in Black)
- Boglodites (Men in Black)
- Idikiukup & Bob
- Jack Jeebs (Men in Black)
- Kylothians (Men in Black)
- Orthopterous Exomorphs (Men in Black)
- Remoolians (Men in Black)
- Frank the Pug (Men in Black)
- Squids (Men in Black)
- Zarthans (Men in Black)
- Grob (Pig's Breakfast)
- Meeba (Pig's Breakfast)
- Various Characters (Power Rangers franchise)
- Eltarian
- Zordon
- Phantom Ranger
- Lord Zedd
- Eltarian
- Aliens (Stargate franchise)
- Aliens (Star Trek)
- Demogorgons (Stranger Things)
- Cirronian (Tracker)
- Vardian (Tracker)
- Seijin (Ultraman)
- Ultras (Ultraman)
- Visitors (V)
- Hoobs (The Hoobs)
- Sir Reginald Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)
- DottyWot (The WotsWots)
- SpottyWot (The WotsWots)
- White Spikes (The Tomorrow War)
- Death Angels (A Quiet Place)
- Engineers (Alien series)
- Xenomorphs (Alien series)
- Deacons (Alien series)
- Neomorphs (Alien Covenant)
- Klepts (Alien Xmas)
- Pandora natives (Avatar)
- Psychlos (Battlefield Earth)
- Aliens (Battle: Los Angeles)
- Regents (Battleship)
- Brandon Breyer/Brightburn (Brightburn)
- The Brother (The Brother from Another Planet)
- Man in Black #1 (The Brother from Another Planet)
- Man in Black #2 (The Brother from Another Planet)
- Alien Beast (The Cabin in the Woods)
- Aliens (The ChubbChubbs!)
- Meeper
- ChubbChubbs
- The Strangers (Dark City)
- Formics (Ender's Game)
- Aliens (Fantastic Planet)
- Alien Monsters (Godzilla/Unleashed)
- The Body Squeezers (Goosebumps)
- Taotie (The Great Wall)
- Nuwa (Hoshin Engi)
- Loric (I Am Number Four)
- Garde
- Number One
- Number Two
- Number Three
- Number Four
- Number Five
- Number Six
- Number Seven
- Number Eight
- Number Nine
- Cepan
- Garde
- Mogadorians (I Am Number Four)
- Harvesters (Independence Day franchise)
- Elijah "Eli" Solinski (Kin)
- Calvin (Life 2017 film)
- Aliens (Lilo & Stitch)
- Stitch
- Jumba Jookiba
- Pleakley
- Gantu
- Jacques von Hamsterviel
- Aliens (Liquid Sky)
- Asgardians (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Bereet (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Celestials (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Collector (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Rhomann Dey (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Drax (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Gamora (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Garthan Saal (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Groot (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Irani Rael (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Korath the Pursuer (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Kraglin Obfonteri (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Eternals (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Nebula (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Outriders (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Peter Quill (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Ronan the Accuser (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Thanos (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Yondu Udonta (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Aliens (Megamind)
- Aliens (Monsters vs. Aliens)
- Gallaxhar
- King Ghidorah (MonsterVerse)
- Warring Aliens (Monty Python's The Life of Brian)
- Precursors (Pacific Rim)
- Paul (Paul film)
- Bioraptors (Pitch Black)
- Glinara (Playmobil: The Movie)
- Yautja/Predators (Predator series)
- Anthropomorphic animals (Sonic the Hedgehog Movie)
- Species (Species)
- Sil
- Eve
- Patrick Ross
- Sara
- Miranda
- Azura
- Half-Breeds
- Aliens (Star Wars)
- Eightball (Terminal USA)
- Aliens (Titan A.E.)
- The Drej
- Aliens (Treasure Planet)
- John Silver
- Philo (UHF)
- Aliens (Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets)
- Arysum-Kormn
- Boulan-Bathor
- Glamopod
- Pit-Ghor
- The Pearl (species)
- Becky Botsford/Wordgirl (Wordgirl)
- Miss Power (Wordgirl)
- D'Bari (X-Men: Dark Phoenix)
- Qu (All Tomorrows)
- Vorsook (Demon Accords)
- Various characters (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
- Tommyknockers (The Tommyknockers)
- The People Who Understand (Under the Mountain)
- Aliens (3Below: Tales of Arcadia)
- Akiridions
- Balubians
- Cindorites
- Durians
- Foo-Foos
- Gorbonians
- Voltarians
- Zerons
- Martians (Adventure Time)
- Warren Ampersand (Adventure Time)
- Aliens (The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius)
- Kid of Mars (A Kid of Mars Learns Chinese)
- Aliens (Aliens Among Us)
- Roger Smith (American Dad!)
- Amphibians (Amphibia)
- Axolotls
- Frogs
- Newts
- Salamanders
- Toads
- Aliens (Atomic Betty)
- Albedo (Ben 10 series); via the Omnitrix/Ultimatrix
- Various Aliens (Ben 10 series)
- Ben Tennyson (Ben 10 series); via the Omnitrix/Ultimatrix
- Michael Jackson (Black Dynamite)
- Aliens (Buzz Lightyear of Star Command)
- Aliens (Cyberchase)
- Aliens (Dexter's Laboratory)
- Aliens (Duck Dodgers)
- Various characters (Escape from Planet Earth)
- Doc
- Gary Supernova
- Io
- Kip Supernova
- Kira Supernova
- Lena Thackleman
- Scorch Supernova
- Thurman
- Aliens (Final Space)
- Emma (Four Eyes!)
- Aliens (Futurama)
- Blade Stabbington (Grojband)
- Space Orbs (Grojband)
- Alan (Gummibär)
- Neptuna (The Hydronauts)
- Kozmo The Alien (Noveltoons/The Harveytoons/Casper The Friendly Ghost Series)
- Irkens (Invader Zim)
- Aliens (The Jetsons)
- Orbie (Katie and Orbie)
- Aliens (Lavender Castle)
- Aliens (Lloyd in Space)
- Aliens (Lunar Jim)
- Aliens (Miles from Tomorrowland)
- Aliens (Monster Buster Club)
- Astranova (Monster High)
- The Alien Eater (Monster Mash)
- Mr. Bean's species (Mr. Bean)
- Nick (Nick & Perry)
- Perry (Nick & Perry)
- Meap's species (Phineas and Ferb)
- Aliens (Plasmo)
- Pipi (Pororo the Little Penguin)
- Popo (Pororo the Little Penguin)
- Aliens (Pororo the Little Penguin)
- Aliens (The Powerpuff Girls)
- Broccoloids
- Aliens (Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths and Legends)
- Aliens (Rick and Morty)
- Glorzos
- Crow aliens
- Aliens (Regular Show)
- Aliens (Samurai Jack)
- KISSterians (Scooby-Doo! and KISS: Rock and Roll Mystery)
- Catman
- Demon
- Spaceman
- Starchild
- Schlorpians (Solar Opposites)
- Jessie
- Korvo
- Pupas
- Terri/Vanbi
- Terry
- Vanbo
- Yumyalak
- Aliens (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
- Starlings (Star Darlings)
- Mewmans (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
- Bird Blob (Steven Universe)
- Gems (Steven Universe)
- Kanabo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fast Forward)
- Sh'Okanabo
- Aliens (Vampires, Pirates & Aliens)
- Eliatropes (Wakfu)
- Aliens (Wander Over Yonder)
- Alien Races (DC Comics)
- Braalians
- Carggites
- Daxamites
- Dominators
- Durlans
- Kryptonians
- Martians
- Oans
- Tamaraneans
- Thanagarians
- Titanians
- Atrocitus (DC Comics)
- Augustus Freeman/Icon (Milestone/DC Comics)
- Composite Man (DC Comics)
- Despero (DC Comics)
- Lantern Corps (DC Comics)
- Larfleeze (DC Comics)
- Legion of Superheroes (DC Comics)
- Lobo (DC Comics)
- Mikaal Tomas/Starman (DC Comics)
- Mongul I (DC Comics)
- Mongul II (DC Comics)
- Rac Shade, the Changing Man (DC Comics)
- Wraith (DC Comics)
- Trolls (Homestuck)
- Aliens (Invincible/Image Comics)
- Viltrumites
- Thraxans
- Flaxans
- Unopans
- Martians
- Geldarians
- Alien Races (Marvel Comics)
- Badoons
- Brood
- Chitauri
- Dire Wraiths
- Klyntars; prior to parasitically copying power sets of others
- Kree
- Majesdanian
- Shi'ar
- Skrulls
- Techarchy
- Titanians
- Poppupians
- Elders of the Universe (Marvel Comics)
- Hulkling (Marvel Comics); an offspring between a Skrull and a Kree
- Aliens (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- Vampirella (Vampirella); original version only
- Martians (Moomin)
- Aliens (Teen Titans)
Video Games[]
- Luke Custer's As Uwh Also Unidentified Weightless Human (Project Altered Beasts)
- Crewmates (Among Us)
- Impostors (Among Us)
- Players (Among Us)
- Stella (Black Rock Shooter: The Game)
- Magnolia Arch (Bravely Second)
- Ceph (Crysis)
- Zetans (Fallout)
- Lunarians (Final Fantasy IV)
- Jenova (Final Fantasy VII series)
- Gi Tribe (Final Fantasy VII series)
- The Last Reality (Fortnite)
- The Cube Queen
- The Kymera
- The Cube Legion
- The Cubes
- Cube Monsters
- Aliens (Grand Theft Auto V)
- Xen creatures (Half-Life)
- Race X (Half-Life)
- Synths (Half-Life)
- Aliens (Halo)
- Celeste (Huniepop)
- Glacius (Killer Instinct)
- Doomers (Kirby)
- Grand Doomer
- Sphere Dommers
- Kirby (Kirby)
- Akrids (Lost Planet)
- Aliens (Mass Effect)
- Yuki Nagato (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)
- Shroobs (Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time)
- Princess Shroob
- Elder Princess Shroob
- Samus Aran (Metroid)
- Aliens (Miitopia)
- Alien "Traveler" (Miitopia)
- Super Aliens (Miitopia)
- Endermites (Minecraft)
- The Aliens (NieR: Automata)
- Jojo Achimu (Ninjutsu series)
- Alien species (No Man's Sky)
- Aliens (Oddworld)
- Gabbits
- Glukkons
- Mudokons
- Sligs
- Slogs
- Ankh (Part Time UFO)
- Jobski (Part Time UFO)
- Starfish aliens (Part Time UFO)
- Starfish alien leader
- Cassandra (Pico's School)
- Extraterrestrial Pokémon (Pokémon)
- The Keepers (Prey)
- Aliens (Ratchet & Clank)
- The Royal Four (Roswell)
- Aliens (The Sims 2/3/4)
- Starcast (Skylanders: Imaginators)
- Star Strike (Skylanders: Swap Force)
- Aliens (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Kyle Broflovski/Human Kite (South Park: The Fractured, But Whole)
- Kyle Shwartz/Human Kite from an Alternate Universe (South Park: The Fractured, But Whole)
- Protoss (Starcraft)
- Zerg (Starcraft)
- Infested civilians (Starcraft II: Wings Of Liberty)
- Infested marines (Starcraft II: Wings Of Liberty)
- Infested marines - spawn by Subterran.Unix (Storm of the Imperial Sanctum)
- Tatanga (Super Mario Land)
- Martians (Herc's Adventures)
- Dhaos (Tales of Phantasia)
- Elves (Tales of Phantasia/Symphonia)
- Brutes (Unreal series)
- Gasbags (Unreal series)
- Kralls (Unreal series)
- Mantas (Unreal series)
- Cave Mantas (Unreal series)
- Giant Manta (Unreal: Return to Na Pali)
- Mercenaries (Unreal series)
- Mercenary Elites (Unreal series)
- Skaarj (Unreal series)
- Skaarj Troopers
- Skaarj Warriors
- Sliths (Unreal series)
- Tentacles (Unreal series)
- Titans (Unreal series)
- Stone Titans (Unreal: Return to Na Pali)
- Drakks (Unreal II: The Awakening)
- Izariens (Unreal II: The Awakening)
- Kais (Unreal II: The Awakening)
- Toscs (Unreal II: The Awakening)
- Aliens (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Alien
- Alien Musse
- Flatwoods
- Draenai (Warcraft)
- Orbulon (Warioware)
- Ethereal (XCOM: Enemy Unknown/X-COM: UFO Defense)
- Sectoid (XCOM: Enemy Unknown/X-COM: UFO Defense)
- Mikakunin Tribe Member (Yo-kai Watch 4)
Tabletop Games/TCG[]
- Aliens (Cardfight Vanguard)
- Xenos (Warhammer 40,000)
- Alien Archetype (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Neo-Spacian (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Space Invaders Monsters (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Ziltoid the Omniscient (Devin Townsend Project)
- The Guy (Disturbed); music video "Land of Confusion"
- The Blue Aliens (Eiffel 65); music video "Blue (Da Ba Dee)"
- The Obsessed Fans White Elf Aliens (Eiffel 65); music video "Move Your Body (Every Every Body)''
Web Animation/Comics/Original/Videos[]
- Entity 90 - "The Steel" (The Backrooms)
- Count Jackula (Channel Awesome)
- The Alien (CRiTORA)
- Planetary Pals (CRiTORA)
- Gardeners (Gemini Home Entertainment)
- Woodcrawlers (Gemini Home Entertainment)
- Various Aliens (Outsider)
- Airani Iofifteen (hololive)
- Astel Leda (HOLOSTARS)
- PringleTheOne (Planet Dolan)
- Kalinin's SCP-001 Proposal - Past and Future (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-163 - An Old Castaway (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-975-2 - Subway Frogs (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-1342-3 - To the Makers of Music (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-2020 - Cliche, Right? (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-2670-1 - Somebody Else's God (SCP Foundation)
- Old Gods (SCP Foundation)
- Astro Toilet's Species (Skibidi Toilet)
- Spherus Magna natives (Bionicle)
- Space Alien (Lego Minifigures Series 3)
- Classic Alien (Lego Minifigures Series 6)
Saiyans (Dragon Ball series), a race of extraterrestrials that are naturally aggressive warrior race who were supposedly striving to be the strongest in the universe,...
...Son Goku/Kakarot, a member of the low class of Saiyans and one of the strongest members of their race...
Namekians (Dragon Ball), a usually peaceful race who have regenerative abilities and magical prowess...
...Piccolo and Kami, two Namekians both of whom are incredibly powerful by Namekian standards and even more so after fusing back together.
Mikitaka Hazekura (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part IV: Diamonds are Unbreakable), the Self-Proclaimed Alien of Morioh town.
Angels (Neon Genesis Evangelion) are mysterious creatures that were created by an ancient entity named Adam, each possessing unique abilities and other attributes.
Adam (Neon Genesis Evangelion) is the first Angel who arrived to Earth. While his counterpart, Lilith, would go on to create humanity, he would be responsible for the creation of eldritch beings similar to himself called Angels.
Lilith (Neon Genesis Evangelion) is the second Angel that arrived at Earth, unlike Adam, was able to progenerate more intelligent lifeforms, such as humans.
Michael Jackson (Black Dynamite) is a half-human, half-mamasemamasamamakusa hybrid with intentions of invasion for his father-race.
Kid of Mars (A Kid of Mars Learns Chinese) is a Martian kid who was sent to Earth to learn many different Chinese words before he can go back to his home planet.
Leprechonians (Monsters vs Aliens) are a race of Leprechaun-like aliens that can manipulate probability, inducing good luck or bad luck on others.
Adora (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) is an Etherian First One, a very powerful race of ancestors
The Legion of Superheroes (DC Comics) is a 30th Century inter-galactic team of super-powered young adults. This cast expands to include dozens of members with a diverse array of powers and personalities.
Saturn Girl (DC Comics) hails from Saturn's moon Titan, where everyone is a naturally born telepath.
Garth Ranzz (DC Comics) also known as Lightning Lad or LiveWire hails from the planet Winath, where twin births are ubiquitous, accounting for almost all natives of the planet.
Cosmic Boy (DC Comics) hail from the planet Braal, where everyone has the natural power to manipulate magnetic fields
Lar Gand (DC Comics), better known as Valor or Mon-El is a Daxamite, the distance cousins of Kryptonians.
Shrinking Violet (DC Comics) hails from the planet Imsk, where everyone has the natural ability to shrink down to sub-atomic sizes.
Lobo (DC Comics) a Czarnian, the last of his kind after his genocide of people in a school science project.
The Burning Martians (DC Comics) were the dominant life form on the planet Mars before being genetically altered by the Guardians of the Universe.
M'gann M'orzz/Miss Martian (DC Comics) is a white Martian who chooses to be a green one like J'onn J'onzz out of shame of her own tyranical race.
Starfire (DC Comics) is an alien princess from the planet Tamaran with powers of flight and energy projection.
Carggites (DC Comics) have the natural ability of Bio-Fission allowing the split their physical form into three independent bodies.
Kilowog (DC Comics) hailed from the planet Bolovax Vik, which was one of the most crowded worlds in the universe; it had sixteen billion residents with a communal mind.
Icon's (DC Comics) lifepod altered his DNA so he would resemble a normal human being, thus enabling him to blend among Earth's natives.
Viltrumites (Image Comics) are a warrior race known for their planet-conquering nature and belief in a perfect society achieved by eliminating weaker members. They are ruled under a totalitarian monarchy, with a legislative body that votes on decisions like subjugation of other worlds.
In her original origin story, Vampirella (Vampirella) was a member of the Vampiri species, an alien race from the distant planet Drakulon with identical powers to the vampires of human mythology.
Live Television[]
The Progenitors (Star Trek) were the first and most advanced intelligent humanoid life to have evolved in the Milky Way galaxy.
Species 8472 (Star Trek Voyager) are an extradimensional race considered to be genetically perfect
The Asgard (Stargate franchise) were a benevolent, extremely advanced race from the Ida galaxy that visited Earth on many occasions. They used the cover of primitive gods in a similar manner to the Goa'uld, leading to the development of Nordic mythology.
The Goa'uld (Stargate Franchise) are a race of sentient parasitic snake-like aliens that take over other life as hosts.
Unas (Stargate SG-1) is a race named by the Goa'uld that translates to 'the first ones' or 'the first race' or more specifically, the first humanoid race that they used as hosts before Ra discovered Humans on Earth.
The Wraith (Stargate Atlantis) is a vampiric hive-based species that harvest the 'life-force' of other humanoid beings for nourishment through suckers on their right-hand palm.
Cole/Daggon (Tracker) is a member of a species of energy-based extraterrestrials known as 'Cirronians'.
The Blancmange (Monty Python's Flying Circus) are a race of extraterrestrial, sentient blancmange that turn the UK's population Scottish so that they could win wimbledon.
Video Games[]
JENOVA (Final Fantasy VII series) the "calamity from the skies" is a tremendous powerfully extraterrestrial with the power to shapeshift, absorb people's memories and form and potentially destroy planets.
Pyron (Darkstalkers) a native of planet Hellstorm, which he destroyed after becoming the strongest of his race.
Vortigaunts (Half-Life) are a species of sapient and sentient aliens with one additional arm on their chest that formerly lived in the Xen dimension and were forced into aggressive slaves by the Nihilanth. After its death, they became allies of humans that have fought alongside the Resistance against the Combine. They can harness what they believe to be a binding life force known as the "Vortessence".
Headcrabs (Half-Life) are extraterrestrial parasites, though at least they tend to be for the sake of protecting themselves from greater predators. Thanks to having hidden beaks, they have a really strong bite, and they use them to graze through the human skull and take control of their nervous systems, turning them into Zombies.
Alien Grunts (Half-Life) are a group of Xen aliens considered to be stronger than Vortigaunts. They don’t exactly have the power to manipulate myriad energy at all, but instead, they use Hivehands, weapons that can spit out Hornets.
Seemingly related to the Nihilanth, Alien Controllers (Half-Life) are aliens that can float in the air and have the powers to launch non-homing or homing energy balls.
Barnacles (Half-Life) are Xen creatures that attach to ceilings, and behavior-wise, they use their prehensile tongues to snatch unsuspecting prey to devour them.
Bullsquids (Half-Life) are aliens that are the most signature predators to all Headcrabs. They can spit toxic saliva at their foes, and thanks to their razor-sharp teeth, their bite is so viciously powerful.
Gargantuas (Half-Life) are massive aliens that can grow tough shells, which does make them into useful heavy infantry soldiers. They have beyond natural physical fitness, can generate streams of fire, and can stomp the ground to cause a unique kind of shockwave.
Houndeyes (Half-Life) are dog-like aliens that can release shockwaves made out of energy and can also be empowered when a leader is present. The colors of the shockwaves usually change color depending on the amount of Houndeyes, going from white to violet.
Ichthyosaurs (Half-Life) are shark-like aliens that roam inside the waters of Xen, and in terms of behavior, they are considered to be predatory like Sharks. They are fast swimmers and trying to escape them is possibly doomed to fail. Thanks to having sharp teeth, they have an extremely powerful bite.
Snarks (Half-Life) are aggressive but small, beetle-like Xen creatures that can be used as weapons. If there is only one Snark, they are ridiculously easy to kill, but once they form a herd, they will manage to kill their enemies in possibly seconds. Once thrown, a Snark's twenty-second "attack mode" begins, and it will immediately charge at the nearest living thing and attack it.
Like the rest of Xen's inhabitants, the Tentacles (Half-Life) are extraterrestrial creatures that are found in the Borderworld. They are tall, and dangerously savage aliens that can viciously attack anyone that happens to make sound within their vicinity.
Antlions (Half-Life) are a species of social ant and termite-like aliens from Xen living in large underground colonies. They are blind and use pheromones and vibrations to identify other living beings.
Race X (Half-Life) is a mysterious alien force that can be considered rivals to the mainstream Xen creatures. Their primary goal is to assimilate the entire world by force, which the Gene Worm is focused to do.
Striders (Half-Life) are gigantic tripod synths, biomechanical beings cloned from the Combine's enslaved alien species and used by them as war machines. They are equipped with two pulse guns used to fire Dark Energy Pulse bullets and beams, and have sharp legs used to pierce enemies.
Combine Gunships (Half-Life) are helicopter-like synths equipped with a Gause Cannon to fire Pulse bullets. They can also fire a beam from their belly.
Combine Dropships (Half-Life) are whale-like flying synths equipped with containers used to transport Metro Cops and transhuman soldiers.
Shield Scanners (Half-Life) are small, hovering synths that can generate flashes to temporarily blind targets. They are used for reconnaissance and to carry Hopper Mines.
Hunters (Half-Life) are small tripod, fast and agile synths used as scouts and escorts. They are equipped with a pair of fléchette launchers, claws, and leg blades.
Combine Advisors (Half-Life) are grub-like synths who serve as the leaders of the Combine-occupied Earth and are responsible for the Seven Hour War. They possess powerful psionics and telekinesis.
The Protoss (Starcraft) are a race of Psion beings that have conquered many worlds with their vast technology.
The Metroids (Metroid series) a genetically engineered alien race designed to be weapons of universe-level conquest.
...Samus Aran who has been genetically altered to have Chozo DNA and later was infused with Metroid DNA by accident...
The Last Reality (Fortnite), an alien faction composed by Cubes and the Kymera that has a sub faction called The Cube Legion. They go around the multiverse and destroy realities until they are truly The Last Reality
Cubes are evil supernatural entities in The Cube Legion, the more supernatural and brute force of The Last Reality. They're very high ranking in The Last Reality...
The Kymera is the more technological part of The Last Reality, the picture is an example of one of the many types of Kymeras...