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The power to use the abilities of an alp-Luachra. Variation of Fairy and Caudata Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Alp-Luachra Mimicry
  • Joint-eater Mimicry/Physiology
  • Just-halver Mimicry/Physiology


A user with this ability either is or can mimic/transform into an alp-Luachra, meaning joint-eater. The alp-Luachra is a type of fairy from Celtic Mythology that appears in a form of a newt and waits in springs and streams for a person to sleep near it. Once the person is asleep, the alp-Luachra will crawl inside the victim's mouth and eat half of the "pith or quintessence" of the food the person had eaten.

Its tendency to feed on the eaten food in the person might be similar to the tapeworm.




  • Eating a large amount of salted meat and lying near a stream with mouth open might drag out the fairy.

Known Users[]

  • Alp-Luachra (Celtic Mythology)
  • Grimy Alp-luachra (Eternal Warcry)