The power to change into alternate versions. Sub-power of Alternate-Self Manipulation. Variation of Transformation. Not to be confused with Alternate-Self Merging.
Also Called[]
- Alternate Self Metamorphosis
The user can change themselves, others or entire environs into alternate versions of themselves from other dimensions, timelines, realities and such abound in any way possible.
- Alternate-Self Manipulation
- Alternate-Self Mimicry
- Alternate-Self Physiology
- Meta Searching
- Parallel Reality Sharing
- Parallel Reality Synching
- Phobia-Initiated Ability Manifestation
- Reality Exchange
- Transformation
- Shapeshifting
Known Users[]
- Man-Thing (Marvel Comics)
- Shirou EMiya (TYPE-MOON); via Archer's Arm.
- Shirou Emiya (Miyuverse)(TYPE-MOON); via he Archer Class Card
- Ben 10
Known Items[]
- Siege Perilous (Marvel Comics)