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Superpower Wiki

The power to act, move and attack by having body parts carry the functions of others. Variation of Superior Activity.

Also Called[]

  • Altered Motor Activity


The user can move, act or attack by having parts of their body do other functions. What this means is that bodily coordination usually involves the use of all body parts working together. With this power, however, one body part can carry out the functions and tasks of other body parts such as the hand, forearm or even the leg. This is normally done with the body part doing the work controlling the other body parts instead of the mind, from that body part. This allows for not only those one body parts to do more than usual as if they were the other body parts, but the other body parts can be free to do something else if that something else is not in conflict with what the body part doing all the work, neurally and muscularly is doing.




  • May be exhausting.
  • User may still be prone to injury.

Known Users[]
