Superpower Wiki

The ability to be a master of the study of angels, either innately or through training. Variation of Preternatural Studies Mastery. Opposite of Demonology Mastery.

Also Called[]

  • Angelic Studies Expertise/Intuition/Knowledge/Mastery/Proficiency
  • Angelologist Expert
  • Angelology Expertise/Intuition/Knowledge/Proficiency
  • Enochian Studies Expertise/Intuition/Knowledge/Mastery/Proficiency


The user, either innately or through training, is a master of angelology, the study of angels. They research the behavior, abilities, weaknesses, and anatomy of angels to pursue the documentation and categorization of them.

Angelology is the branch of theology that deals with the nature, origin, and role of angels in various religious traditions. Angelology explores the different types and ranks of angels, their attributes and functions, their relationship with other spiritual beings, and their involvement in human history and salvation. Angelology also examines the various views and controversies about angels, such as their existence, number, appearance, morality, and influence.




  • May require a certain amount of exposure to be an effective angelologist.
  • May take time to achieve mastery.

Known Users[]

  • Castiel (Supernatural)
  • God/Chuck Shurley (Supernatural)
  • Lily Sunder (Supernatural)

