Superpower Wiki

The power to use the powers and traits of an animal deity. Variation of Transcendent Physiology. Not to be confused with Divine Beast Physiology

Also Called

  • Animal God/Goddess
  • Fauna God/Goddess


User with this ability either is or can transform into an animal deity, a god or goddess that is personified as animals or represent the animal kingdom or an aspect of it, usually by its perceived power and strength. Animal deities and animal worship can be found throughout most of recorded history in various forms.




Known Users

  • Goro Mutsumi/The Sage (Angel Tales)
  • Setsuna/The Goddess (Angel Tales)
  • Animal Deities
    • Anubis (Egyptian Mythology) - Jackal
    • Artio (Celtic Mythology) - Bear
    • Bast (Egyptian Mythology) - Cat
    • Cernunnos (Celtic Mythology) - Deer
    • Coyote (Native American Mythology) - Coyote
    • Epona (Celtic Mythology) - Horse
    • Ganesha (Hindu Mythology) - Elephant
    • Hanuman (Hindu Mythology) - Monkey
    • Inari (Japanese Mythology) - Fox
    • Sekhmet (Egyptian Mythology) - Lion
    • Tezcatlipoca (Aztec Mythology) - Jaguar
    • Thoth (Egyptian Mythology) - Ibis/Baboon
  • Bast (Marvel Comics)