Superpower Wiki

The power to perceive through any animals minds. Variation of Sensory Scrying.

Also Called

  • Animal Mind Hitch-hiking
  • Animal Sensory Scrying


The users of this power can perceive themselves through the minds or sense of other animals or organism.




  • May only be able to sense through the senses of certain kinds of animals, such as mammals, rodents, or even just squirrels.
  • Users own body may be helpless while they are using someone elses senses.
  • Unless user has some ability to control the animal they are using, they have no control where it goes and what it looks.
  • Some animals have so different sensory abilities that they are hard to understand.

Known Users

  • Wargs (Game of Thrones)
  • Kerrigan (Starcraft); via Zerg
  • Witches (Discworld)