The power to utilize practices that are opposite in nature. Variation of Supernatural Arts.
Also Called[]
- Antipodal/Antipodean Arts/Techniques
- Diametric/Diametrical Arts/Techniques
- Inverse/Inversive Arts/Techniques
The user can utilize the Antithetical Arts, a specialized system of techniques based around opposing power(s). Existentially, there are various aspects that can be considered complementary or opposing: creation and destruction, life and death, darkness and light, yin and yang, etc. Each one possesses its own supernatural qualities that can empower those who train to use them. In unique circumstances, one can control opposite powers simultaneously. Practice and self-enhancement with regards to wielding two opposing powers can grant unnatural power that far exceeds what one could gain if wielding only one of them. One can manifest abilities that possess the best qualities of both powers, potentially circumventing their inherent weaknesses. So long as one trains to maintain a proper balance between the forces, one can manifest powers ranging from physical augmentation to reality manipulation.
- Balance
- Combined Force Manipulation
- Multi-Power Use
- Power Mixture
- Supernatural Condition
- Training Regimen
- Destabilization/Knowledge Absorption/Knowledge Erasure
- Lack of proper knowledge could lead to power loss or dangerous effects.
- Powers may be overwhelming due to controlling more than one ability.
- May be limited to types of techniques (attacks, defense, healing, etc.).
- May be affected by how balanced one is with opposing aspects.
- May be limited to controlling certain complementary/opposing aspects (light-darkness, life-death, heat-cold, etc.).
Known Users[]
- Visored (Bleach)
- Sakura Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura); via The Dark/Light
- Kong Kenan/Super-Man (DC Comics)
- White Shadow Dragon Mode Users (Fairy Tail)
- Ikki Igarashi and Vice (Kamen Rider Revice); via Volcano Vistamp attached to the Barid Rex Vistamp
- Riku (Kingdom Hearts)
- Senna the Redeemer (League of Legends)
- Luminous (Maplestory)
- Yin-Yang Release Users (Naruto)
- Moroha Haimura (Seiken Tsukai no World Break)
- Shyna Nera Shyna (Silhouette Mirage)
- Zohar (Silhouette Mirage)
- Algol (Soulcalibur series)
- Gill (Street Fighter series)
- Ryu (Street Fighter series)
- Reimu Hakurei (Touhou Project)
- Yukari Yakumo (Touhou Project)
- Touta Konoe (UQ Holder)
- Mage of the Beginning (UQ Holder)
- Woo Foo Users (Yin Yang Yo!)
- Yusuke Urameshi (Yu Yu Hakusho)