The archetype of a character who is a divine lord. Variation of Alpha.
Also Called[]
- Divine/Godly/Transcendent Lordship
- Godhead
- Greater Divine
- Lady/Lord of the Celestial/Holy
- Alpha Deity
The user is an alpha divine being; the most powerful member of the godhead/deities. These all-powerful deities, possess divine powers above any other within or outside the pantheons of deities in their respective universes as they have greater power to lord over the gods themselves.
Unlike lesser gods, divine alphas have a greater level of power as they have all the abilities of many or all the gods, all of them greatly enhanced then any other. In having the raw potential, user can become supreme-deities of their own making and their pantheon, regardless if they are new or old gods as they are above any other.
Such alphas of the divinity, have the power over the pantheons and the worlds they rule, they are able command over legions of man, beast, or even title ownership of various sorts, uplift any species of their choosing, be it raising mortals to godhood or having it stripped away from one of their own completely moralizing them.
Associated Powers[]
- Anima Power/Necro Power
- Divinity/Greater-Magical/Cosmic/Spirit/Light/Dark
- Divine Authority
- Divine Force Manipulation (varies per divine lord)
- Civilization Manipulation
- Deity Manipulation
- Almighty Ascension: Users can go on towards or elevate others into all-powerful beings.
- Nigh-Omnipotence (Rare)
- Nigh-Omniscience (Varies)
- Nigh-Omnipresence (Varies)
- Nigh-Omnipotence (Rare)
- Deity Creation
- Almighty Ascension: Users can go on towards or elevate others into all-powerful beings.
- Divine Psionics or Demonic Psionics
- Omni-Manipulation: Only some of the most powerful of lords can obtain this.
- Ethereal Manipulation
- Transcendent Element Manipulation
- Divine Force Manipulation (varies per divine lord)
- Etherius Warping
- Dual Warping (Varies)
- Godly Incarnation or Satanic Incarnation (varies)
- Almighty Link
- Totality Connection (varies)
- Almighty Link
- Light Power-Dark Power
- Sky Father/Demiurge Physiology (Varies)
- Transcendent Physiology
- Unbound Soul/Deity Soul
- Divine Authority
- Esoteric Power/Magic Power
- Faith Manipulation
- Mythical Plane Lordship (varies)
- Omicron Physiology
- Society Manipulation
- Transcendent Embodiment (varies per the greatest of divine lords)
- Ultimate Power/Ancient Power
- Weakness Resistance
- Absolute Potential
- Anti-God
- Dark Lord (varies; a great many can become gods of evil.)
- Divine Monster
- Eldritch Physiology
- Earth Mother/Sky Father
- Existential Plane Manipulation
- Legendary Status
- Mother Goddess/Father God
- Monotheistic Deity
- Mythic Lord
- New God/Old God
- Supreme Deity
- Transcendent Physiology
- Still possess all of the natural weaknesses of the divine but to a lesser degree.
- May fall prey to supernatural hunters and various weaponry.
- User cannot control a Monotheistic God, Anti-God and primordial deities.
- If originally alive, the user may have to die in order to access these powers.
- Can be de-powered by Connection Removal.
- User can ultimately still be overpowered by an Omnipotent being.
Known Users[]
- Asura (Asura's Wrath)
- Deus (Asura's Wrath)
- Aesir (Bayonetta 2)
- Pandora (Campione!)
- Baal/Beelzebub (Canaanite Mythology)
- The Source (DC Comics)
- New Gods (DC Comics)
- Darkseid
- Highfather
- Orion
- Scott Free
- Stayne
- Takion
- Old Gods (DC Comics)
- S'Ivva
- Yuga Khan
- Ao (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Bhunivelze (Final Fantasy XIII series)
- Bahamut (Final Fantasy XV)
- Cult of Gozer (Ghostbusters)
- Ivo Shandhor
- Spider Witch
- Edmund Hoover
- Zeus (God of War series)
- Ouranous (Greek Mythology)
- Gaea (Greek Mythology)
- Typhon (Greek Mythology)
- Zeus (Greek Mythology)
- Man of Miracles (Image Comics)
- Al Simmons/Spawn (Image Comics)
- Bor Burison (Marvel Comics)
- Greater Fiends (Ninja Gaiden)
- Dagra Dai
- Ishtaros
- Nicchae
- Vigoor Emperor
- Bor (Norse Mythology)
- Odin (Norse Mythology)
- Zeus (Record of Ragnarok)
- Bahamut (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Mori Jin (God of Highschool); Master of the First, Second, Sixth, and Seventh Heavenly Realm
- Ilpyo Park (God of Highschool); Master of the Third and Sixth Heavenly Realm
- 666:Satan (God of Highschool); before being defeated by Mori
- Beelzebub (God of Highschool); before being defeated by 666:Satan
- Garuda (God of Highschool); before being defeated by Mori
- Shiva (God of Highschool); before being defeated by Ilpyo Park