The archetype of a character who is an alpha super. Variation of Alpha with Superpowered Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Alpha Superbeing/Super-Being
- Apex/Pinnacle Meta
- Superpowered Lord
Users with this ability can either take on the abilities of a vastly superior and more evolve version of a meta entity; a superpowered being whom possess the pinnacle status and highest level of power making them tougher, faster, stronger than any other in the meta entity community (superhuman/alien/beast).
These higher form of metas have powers and abilities far more superior as they can take on and overcome almost anything in their respective worlds, as well as draw even greater powers from their source. Due to their more enhanced status users possess more abilities then most metas and well a having a more superior biology that can affect themselves.
These powerful individuals often coming and going throughout history as either a guardian, leader, or villain superhuman/transhuman society for whatever reason they are still be the cradle for limitless potential in being as they can empower habitat to spread their influence across the stars and quite possibly beyond.
Associated Powers[]
- Adaptation Manipulation
- Alpha
- Authority over other supers.
- Natural Superior Powers
- Prime Being (Varies)
- Superhuman Manipulation - Meta ability lords can control and dominate the wills of other superhumans.
- Hybrid Manipulation - A great many supers are hybrid entities in their own right.
- Influence Manipulation
- Life and Death Manipulation - Stronger meta lords can manipulate their quintessence force to achieve incredible feats.
- Power Usage Manipulation - Some lords can even control and adjust whatever kind of powers and/or abilities they may gain or bestow upon others.
- Powered Object Manipulation - Fabricate and control capability bestowing artifacts.
- Prime Source - For and/or of all superpowers bestowed.
- Science-Magic Mastery
- Technomagical Blood - Micro magical automatons flowing in place of the blood help accurate any inherent magical talent.
- Superpowered Location - Possess a semi-sentient home base one can use to deploy and recall one's fellow supers.
- Summon Symbiosis - Call forth and/or banish any super powered being you wish.
- Supreme Monopoly
- Dark Lord - Many a super powered beings are malevolent tyrants.
- Archetype:Alpha Alien
- Archetype:Alpha Mythic
- Archetype:Alpha Beast
- Superior Human Physiology
- Meta Power Manipulation
- Magical Human Physiology
- Power Warping
- Superior Magical Human Physiology
- Transcendent Physiology
- True Hero - The more prominent super humanoid lords are mighty heroes of their culture.
- Archetype:Urban Legend
- Like any super in a super humanoid community, they rank significantly below gods or transcendent beings (including the "Transcendent Super Powered Beings")
Known Users[]
- Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)
- Son Goku (Dragon Ball series)
- Vegeta (Dragon Ball series)
- Successors of One for All (My Hero Academia)
- Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto)
- Kazuma Torisuna (S-Cry-ED)
- Martin Zigarl (S-Cry-ED)
- Ryūhō Ryu (S-Cry-ED)
- Saints (Saint Seiya/Knights of the Zodiac)
- Specters (Saint Seiya/Knights of the Zodiac)
- Mariners (Saint Seiya/Knights of the Zodiac)
- Axel Manning (A.T.O.M)
- Quan (A.T.O.M)
- Avatars (Avatar Series)
- Dark Danny (Danny Phantom)
- Plutonian (Boom! Studios)
- Barry Allen/The Flash (DC Comics)
- Martian Manhunter (DC Comics)
- Shazam (DC Comics)
- Silver Shield (DC Comics)
- Superman (DC Comics)
- William Kaplan/Demiurge (Marvel Comics)
- En Sabah Nur/Apocalypse (Marvel Comics)
- Mar-Vell/Captain Marvel (Marvel Comics)
- Peter J'Son Quill/Star Lord (Marvel Comics)
- The Sentry (Marvel Comics)
- Teddy Altman/Hulkling (Marvel Comics)
- Regina Mundi/The Alternate (Malibu Comics)
- Rex Mundi (Malibu Comics)
- Tom Hawk/Hardcase (Malibu Comics)
- Robotboy (Robotboy)
- Ohmen/Union (Wildstorm/Image Comics)
- Defile (Wildstorm Comics)
- Helspont (Wildstorm Comics)
- Majestros/Mr. Majestic (Wildstorm Comics)
- Max Faraday (Wildstorm Comics)
- Yohn Kohl/Spartan (Wildstorm Comics)
- Ohmn/Union (Wildstorm Comics)
- Luke Skywalker (Star Wars Legends)
- Darth Sideous (Star Wars)
- Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars)
- Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
Video Games
- Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII series)
- Bass (Mega Man)
- Megaman (Mega Man)
- Protoman (Mega Man)
- Various characters (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Web Comics
- The 11 Gakki (Ordeal)
Comics/Graphic Novels[]
Video Games[]
Web Comics[]