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Superpower Wiki

The archetype for the characters that possess or have traits of the spirit of Babylon. Variation of Transcendent Spirit. Combination of Aspect Manifestation and Satanic Incarnation.

Also Called []

  • Babylon
  • Babylon the Great
  • The Harlot or Mother Harlot
  • Spirit of Babylon
  • The Whore of Babylon or The Great Whore

Properties  []

As an archetype of the spirit of Babylon, a demonic female spirit and manifestation of the evil city of Babylon in ancient times and what it represented to the world. Babylon the Great, is also a representation of prostitutes and the abominations of the Earth. She is here to help bring about the Apocalypse, being instrumental in the Abrahamic faith's version of the end of days. However, a living individual can also become this being in modern times through a pseudo-possession or chosen birth right. If she chooses to not take part and is killed before her time another will come to take her place, unless the Apocalypse is stopped.

Associated Powers []

Associations/Relationships []

Limitations/Weaknesses []

Know/Example Characters[]

Folklore/Mythology []

  • Whore of Babylon (Abrahamic Faiths)
  • Woman of the Apocalypse (Abrahamic Faiths)
  • Babalon (Thelema)


  • Whore of Babylon (The Bible)

Live Television/Movies[]

  • Whore of Babylon (Supernatural); demonic being.

Tabletop/Video Games[]

Gallery []
