The power to possess or have traits of a Beauty Deity. Variation of Life Deity and Youth Deity Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Deities of Beauty
- The Beautiful One
The user with this ability either is or can transform into a Beauty Deity, a god/goddess who represents or is associated with beauty and beautiful things around them and all it's aspects, having absolute knowledge and power over beauty, its concepts and principles. Beauty Deities are common in mythology and were important among ancient and current civilizations.
- Beauty Embodiment (varies between Deities)
- Beauty Manipulation
- Supernatural/Absolute Beauty
- Youth Embodiment (varies between deities)
- Divinity
- Femininity Aspect Manifestation (Beauty of the female form)
- Masculinity Aspect Manifestation (Beauty of the male form)
- May fall victims to Deity Consumption/Divine Power Absorption/Divine Power Immunity/Divine Slayer/Divine Power Negation
Known Users[]
See also: Hot God and Beauty Deity
- Xochipilli (Aztec Mythology)
- Qetesh (Canaanite-Egyptian Mythology)
- Venusmon (Digimon)
- Hathor (Egyptian Mythology)
- Bastet (Greco-Egyptian Mythology)
- Aphrodite/Venus (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Eros/Cupid (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Adonis (Greek Mythology)
- Aphroditus/Hermaphroditus (Greek Mythology)
- Erzulie Freda Dahomey (Haitian Vodu)
- Idrila (Honkai: Star Rail)
- Ishtar/Inanna (Mesopotamian Mythology)
- Nanaya (Mesopotamian Mythology)
- Freyja (Norse Mythology)
- Freyr (Norse Mythology)
- Aphrodite (Riordanverse)
- Lada (Slavic Mythology)
- Jarilo (Slavic Mythology)
- Triple Goddess (Maiden Aspect)(Wiccan Mythology)
- Oshun (Yoruba Mythology)