Superpower Wiki

The ability to be a superpowered mortal being whose powers are based on ice. Variation of Superpowered Mortal.

Also Called[]

  • Cryokinetic Human
  • Cryokinetic Metahuman
  • Freeze Human


Users are a cryokinetic mortal. They have power of cryokinesis and/or cryokinetically-based. The abilities may vary greatly due to the sources of said powers varying as well with user being divided into paranormal and science groups.


For those who are based in science such as a superior human/empowered beings, transhuman, or mutant, they may have the ability of being immune to cold all together or just may have a body sturdy enough to not be harmed by cold and thus have augmented physical capabilities. They may even be able to control temperatures in general. They may also be able to absorb energy (any energy that gives of heat) in order to generate cold.


For those who are based in chi, aura, any form of occultism (magic, voodoo, Onmyōdō, Shamanism), mysticism, or any manner of Supernatural Art, they may be able to perform feats more supernatural such as creating entities of ice, opening portals, summoning, and maybe even healing. Often, users of this group aren't immune to externals sources of ice/cold.




  • Powers which counter Ice/Cold (ex: fire, sound, etc....).
  • Users may not be immune to their own powers, harming them in the process.

Known Users[]

  • Esdeath (Akame Ga Kill!)
  • Freon (Batman Beyond/DC Animated Universe/DCAU)
  • Cryokinetic Metahumans (DC Comics)
    • Louise Lincoln/Killer Frost
    • Cameron Mahkent/Icicle
    • Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost
  • Thomas Snow (DC Comics/The Flash)
  • Ice Magic users (Fairy Tail)
  • Lucius Best/Frozone (The Incredibles)
  • Kula Diamond (The King of Fighters)
  • Robert Drake/Iceman (Marvel Comics)
  • Donald Gill/Blizzard (Marvel Comics)
  • Matt Martin/Kewl Breeze (Zevo-3)




Web Comics[]

