Superpower Wiki
"I come from the Net. Through systems, people, and cities, to this place - Mainframe. My format, Guardian: To mend and defend. To defend my new found friends, their hopes and dreams, and to defend them from their enemies."
― Bob (ReBoot)

The character is a protector and keeper of cyberspace. Variation of Guardian with a Digital Form.

Also Called[]

  • Cyberspace Guardian
  • Digital Guardian
  • Digital World Guardian


The character is a protector and keeper of cyberspace. They will have a Program Physiology/Artificial Intelligence Physiology or otherwise be able to manifest in a Digital Form. The character has adapted to defend cyberspace, the global network of computers, information technology infrastructures, telecommunications networks and data storage systems. However, they acquire special abilities that allow them to control all aspects of cyberspace in order to protect it.

The cyber guardian my exist within a single electronic device, or they may have learned the skills to navigate the whole of cyberspace and to move between devices.



Known Users[]

  • DigiDestined (Digimon)
  • Guardians (Reboot)

