Superpower Wiki

The archetype of a character who is a robot that wields powers related to darkness. Variation of Element Wielding Robot that can wield Darkness Manipulation powers.


The character is a robotic being with powers to manipulate darkness (the absence of visible light). They possess a wide range of a darkness/shadows-based abilities as a result.

Associated Powers[]


  • Robots are susceptible to weaknesses in relation to technology.
  • May be harmed by light.
  • May be affected by light as if it was a physical force.
  • Light Manipulation and other effects that create bright light are especially effective against the user.
  • May be limited to moving like a normal shadow, on solid surfaces.

Known Users[]

  • Toa of Shadow (Bionicle)
    • Takanuva (Temporarily)
  • Teridax (Bionicle)
  • Iron Jugulis (Pokémon)

