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The archetype for the characters that possess or have the traits of a divine scribe. Variation of Knowledge Deity and Artistic Deity.

Also Called[]

  • God of Writing, Letters, the Alphabet, Words, Literature, Text, Books, Poetry, and Symbols (for titled deities only)
  • The Almighty Author
  • The Scribe of the Gods


As an archetype, a divine scribe is an angel/god/goddess/divine entity/higher spirit associated with Writing, Letters, the Alphabet, Words, Literature, Books, Poetry, Symbols and all their aspects. This grants them absolute knowledge and power over them, their concepts and principles. They are often worshiped by writers, poets and scribes. They are often credited with inventing the written language of the culture they belong to. As such, Writing Deities were a common feature of worship in polytheistic religions and were important among ancient and current civilizations.

Associated Powers[]




Known/Example Characters[]


  • Quetzalcoatl (Aztec Mythology)
  • Nabu (Babylonian Mythology)
  • Manjurshri (Buddhism)
  • Brigit (Celtic Mythology)
  • Ogma/Oghma (Celtic/Irish Mythology)
  • Cangjie/Ts'ang (Chinese Mythology)
  • Fu-Xi (Chinese Mythology)
  • Titivillus (Christian Mythology)
  • Seshat (Egyptian Mythology)
  • Thoth (Egyptian Mythology)
  • Athena/Minerva (Greco-Roman Mythology)
  • Hermes/Mercury (Greco-Roman Mythology)
  • Cadmus (Greek Mythology)
  • The Muses (Greek Mythology)
  • Metatron (Hebrew Mythology)
  • Brahma (Hindu Mythology)
  • Ganesha (Hindu Mythology)
  • Saraswati (Hindu Mythology)
  • Itzamna (Mayan Mythology)
  • Sint-Holo (Native American Mythology)
  • Bragi (Norse Mythology)
  • Odin (Norse Mythology)
  • Carmenta (Roman Mythology)
  • Tenjin/Sugawara no Michizane (Shinto Mythology)
  • Nisaba (Sumerian Mythology)

Live Television

  • Metatron (Supernatural)