The archetype for the characters that possess or have traits of a divine tyrant. Divine version of Tyrant. Variation of Malevolent and Evil Deity.
Also Called[]
- The Celestial Slave Master
- Cruelty/Domination/Tyrant Deity/God/Goddess
- The Divine Despot
- God/Goddess of Domination, Tyranny, Despotism, Oppression, Subjugation, Enslavement, Cruelty and Conquest (for titles deities only)
As an archetype, a divine tyrant, a deity/god/goddess/angel/divine entity/higher spirit associated with domination, tyranny, despotism, oppression, subjugation, enslavement, cruelty, conquest and all their aspects. This grants them absolute knowledge and power over them, their concepts and principles. They are often worshipped by tyrants, dictators, oppressors, and slave masters. This type of tyrant of this type may see their worshippers as their own personal servants and/or slaves and gain power from dominating these followers. Archetypes of this nature may seek out other divine entities to enslave, establishing themselves as the top god/entity in their pantheon. Divine tyrants weren't a common feature of worship in polytheistic religions but were important among ancient and current civilizations.
Associated Powers[]
- Alpha Divine (Varies)
- Authority Embodiment (varies per deity)
- Blue Blood
- Conquest Embodiment (Varies)
- Dark Lord
- Dark Power
- God-Emperor
- Greater/Supreme Divinity-Cosmic/Dark/Magical Divinity
- Immortal Conqueror
- Master of All (varies per deity)
- Omicron Being
- Tyrant
- Indomitable Greed/Pride/Rage/Will
- Intuitive Aptitude
- Criminology Mastery
- Desire Intuition
- Disguise Mastery
- Enhanced Weapon Proficiency
- Escapology Mastery
- Fighting Instinct
- Game Mastery
- Hunting Mastery
- Interrogation Mastery
- Intimidation Mastery
- Killing Mastery
- Law Mastery
- Leadership Mastery
- Linguistics Mastery
- Military Mastery
- Movement Mastery
- Opportunity Sense
- Performance Art Mastery
- Piracy Mastery
- Political Mastery
- Reaction Mastery
- Seduction Mastery
- Stealth Mastery
- Survival Mastery
- Trapping Mastery
- Supreme Monopoly
- Tactical Genius
- Warrior Ruler
Known/Example Characters[]
- Darkseid (DC Comics)
- Trigon (DC Comics)
- Ares (DC Extended Universe)
- Thanos (Marvel Comics)
- Fallen Angels (Abrahamic Faiths)
- Nephilim (Abrahamic Faiths)
- Samael (Abrahamic Faiths)
- Yam (Canaanite Mythology)
- Whore of Babylon (Christianity)
- The Beast from the Earth (Christianity/Islam)
- The Beast from the Sea (Christianity/Islam)
- Set (Egyptian Mythology)
- Ravana (Hindu Mythology)
- Melkor/Morgoth (Tolkien's Legendarium)
- Sauron (Tolkien's Legendarium)
Live Television/Movies[]
- Shao Kahn (Mortal Kombat: Annihilation)
Tabletop/Video Games[]
- Asmodeus (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Torog (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Molag Bal (The Elder Scrolls)
- Shao Kahn (Mortal Kombat)
Web Originals[]
- The Scarlet King (SCP Foundation)