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The archetype for the characters that possess or have traits of a druid. Variation of Mystic. Celtic version of Shaman.

Also Known As[]

  • Celtic Priest/Priestess
  • Celtic Sage/Sorcerer/Sorceress


As an archetype, a druid (occasionally druidess for females) is a priest, sage, oracle, teacher, occultist, judge, royal adviser, shaman, astrologer, beast master and scientist the ancient Celtic religion, belonging to a high-ranking class of ancient Celtic cultures that were said to have a great influence with nature, they had an immense control with magic, a great wise wisdom and a strong connection with the gods.

Originally, Druids were one sect of the Celtic priesthood. Because they practiced their rites in the wilderness in great secrecy, and wrote nothing about what they did, little is known about them. Most historical accounts are from the writings of their enemies, who rarely qualify as reliable sources. For centuries, the lack of concrete information about the druids has made them convenient for imaginary priesthoods, ranging from wise and patriotic leaders of resistance against Roman conquest, all the way to bloodthirsty practitioners of human sacrifice.

They were incredibly powerful and respected capable of expelling people from society for violating sacred laws and could even stand between two opposing armies and avoid wars, they did not have to pay taxes or serve in battle. Druid women were also considered equal to men in many ways unusual for an ancient community.

In modern fiction, "druid" is typically used for Druidic Magic-users that usually have flavor of priesthood, especially if they hail from pre-Christian Europe (or fantastical equivalent). Unlike standard issue Fighter, Mage, Thief or well-defined concepts such as Paladin, druid capabilities may vary highly based on setting, although in principle it's a very broad spectrum.

Associated Powers[]




  • Mage Slayer
  • Magic Negation
  • Since the users' powers stem from nature, putting them somewhere disconnected from nature may weaken them.


A common feature of druids is their dedication to the concept of nature as a whole and to "preserving the balance of nature", which may invoke True Neutral or Heroic Neutral tendencies. Apart from seeing the concept of nature as a whole, they can also worship the Celtic Gods and the Gods of Nature, and if in the verse it is possible, they can also worship Nordic Gods due to the fact that the Celtic and Nordic culture have a difference of 800 years between the Celtic and Nordic peoples, it sets the bases of totally different communities, politically, socially, economically and culturally, but it is very common to share certain religious beliefs, goldsmithing, gastronomy and economic activities. However, due to their reverence of nature and life and their opposition to greed and the wanton destruction of nature, druids generally tend to fall into the "good" side of good vs. evil conflicts. Evil druids are a very small minority but are certainly possible: villainous druids might be "infected" by their natural instincts and be wild, cruel and indifferent characters, they might be a kind of Knight Templar or Evil Luddite who would seek to tear down the corrupting weakness and hedonism they see in civilization and reclaim the land for the wilds, they might even be predatory Social Darwinists.

(According to the accounts of Posidonius, the Druids professed a form of pantheism: they identified divinity with the entire cosmos and men participated in the perpetual cycle of nature. Only the purity of the soul mattered. Everything else, earthly life and its material samples, was worthless. For this reason, the Gauls never left monuments or works of art to testify to their ingenuity.

The Druids put their talents at the service of knowledge in a wide variety of fields. Posidonius reveals that they were primarily engaged in "physiology," that is to say, natural sciences, physics, chemistry, geology, botany, and zoology. Like the Greeks, the Druids speculated on the composition of matter and tried to isolate its main components: air, water, and fire. They imagined an end of the world that would occur due to the separation of these three elements and would end the absolute dominance of fire and water. However, this end of the world was inscribed in a perpetual cycle of rebirth and destruction. According to Pliny the Elder, the Druids classified plant and animal species and studied the uses that man could give them. Regarding the pharmacopoeia, it should be noted that the Gauls attributed many properties to mistletoe, and current research has shown that this plant has great therapeutic powers, especially in the treatment of certain types of cancer.

The Druids also excelled in the field of art. In particular, the compositions of the so-called plastic style reveal a spirituality that could only come from an intellectual elite who reflected on the role of the image. On the other hand, his knowledge also had practical applications. In the field of agriculture they developed, for example, compost with manure, while in the field of metallurgy they can be credited with the invention of wrought iron and tinplate.)

Example Characters[]

See Also: Druid.


  • Druids (The Seven Deadly Sins)
  • Pino Graham (Shaman King)


  • Merlin (Arthurian Legend)
  • Amergin Glúingel (Celtic Mythology)
  • Cathbad (Celtic Mythology)
  • The Dagda (Celtic Mythology)

Live Television/Movies

Tabletop/Video Games

  • Druids (Forgotten Realms)
  • Druids (Pathfinder)
  • Cu Chulainn (Caster) (TYPE-MOON)
  • Bane the Druid (Legacy of Kain)
  • Druvis III (Reverse: 1999)
  • Druids (Warcraft series)
  • Druidic Priests (Warhammer)

Web Original


