Superpower Wiki
"The Thing cannot be described - there is no language for such abysms of shrieking and immemorial lunacy, such eldritch contradictions of all matter, force, and cosmic order. A mountain walked or stumbled.
If I say that my somewhat extravagant imagination yielded simultaneous pictures of an octopus, a dragon, and a human caricature, I shall not be unfaithful to the spirit of the thing. A pulpy, tentacled head surmounted a grotesque and scaly body with rudimentary wings; but it was the general outline of the whole which made it most shockingly frightful."
H. P. Lovecraft's description of Cthulhu.
"Before there was time, before there was anything, there was nothing. And before there was nothing... there were monsters."
― The Lich (Adventure Time)
"My imagination offered up feverish pictures of a great bloated mass of slobbering malodorous flesh, pocked with gaping mouths, clashing mandibles, protruding rubbery tentacles, and drunkenly weaving eyestalks — then it gave up altogether and retired from the field in disgrace. Whatever I might imagine, what was actually waiting at the bottom of this nest was inevitably going to be worse."
― The War Against the Chtorr
"Mr. President, behind the veil of the universe you perceive, are entities both ageless and fowl and these eldritch forces are rising."
― General John McNamara to President Howard Goodman (Starkid's Black Friday)
"We never made contact with alien life, at least, nothing comprehensible or discernible for human understanding. The stars are vast, and in their vastness our voices have touched the ears of something truly incomprehensible. Something hungry and malevolent."
― Unnamed Narrator (The Quiet Sky)
"The Sun-Eaters are. But they are not like you. Their thoughts are not your thoughts. Their names are better expressed as wavelengths. They see on the planes you have not yet discovered. They have heard the screaming of stars and remember the diaspora of galaxies. They have supped on quantum foam."
― The Buzzing (The Secret World)

The character is an eldritch abomination. A category of Cosmic Entities with Alien Monster Physiology and/or Impossible Physiology. Variation of Cthulhu Mythos Deity.

Also Called[]

  • Abominable/Unfathomable/Unorthodox Entity Body/Form/State
  • Cosmic/Existential Horror
  • Eldritch/Outsider Body/Form/Physiology/State
  • Eldritch Entity/Creature Physiology
  • Eldritch/Lovecraftian Abomination/Entity/Horror Form/Body/Form/State
  • Otherworldly Entity/Creature Physiology


An Eldritch Abomination is more than just a weird monster. It's a being that breaks the fundamental rules of how the universe works. Imagine everything you know about physics and reality – this creature doesn't play by those rules. Its existence itself is a puzzle that our minds struggle to grasp. Trying to picture it is like trying to imagine a color that doesn't exist.

Applies to some eldritch entities: These beings possess abilities that are far beyond anything we can comprehend. They can manipulate reality as easily as we might move our hand. Controlling time, bending space, or even altering the very fabric of existence are within their reach. The laws that govern our universe, like gravity or the speed of light, are like suggestions to them, not unbreakable rules.

Applies to some eldritch entities: The real terror comes from the fact that we can never truly see them as they are. Their true form is beyond our understanding. When we try to perceive them, our minds create interpretations, like trying to describe something you've only heard about but never seen. One person might see a nightmarish creature with too many eyes and writhing limbs. Another might see a vast, empty void that chills them to the bone. Sometimes, a community might even develop a shared idea of what it is, a story or legend that tries to explain the unexplainable, even though it’s likely far from the truth.

Usually, the presence of an Eldritch Abomination spells trouble. Their very nature disrupts the balance of things, often leading to chaos and destruction. However, in incredibly rare instances, their actions, though bizarre and unpredictable, might have a positive effect on the universe around them. This isn't because they're trying to be helpful. It's more like a strange side effect of their incomprehensible activities, like a cosmic accident that happens to have a good result. These moments of accidental benefit are exceptions to the rule, a tiny spark of light in a vast darkness of the unknown.

Associated Powers[]

  • Absolute Soul Manipulation
    • Soul Absorption: Can absorb souls, while removing them from the source, into their body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage.
    • Soul Reading: Perceive and read the souls, whether free (i.e., dead, astral projection, etc.) or in the body. They can study and observe the nature of one's soul and find weaknesses based on the nature of the observed souls.
  • Cosmic Manipulation: Can generate, shape, and manipulate cosmic energies to produce nearly any effect they desire.
  • Dimensional Link: Can make connections to various sources of energy from any dimension to create new powers of their own and allow others to use a small portion of their powers.
    • Extradimensional Power: Wields extradimensional power, a primordial and infinite force of multiple dimensions that has a great and indefinite level of power that can grant users dominion over the many dimensions.
  • Divine Presence: Can emit transcendent presence which has supernatural effects related to their divine aspect and their relative disposition.
  • Eldritch Force Manipulation: Possesses and is able to use strong eldritch power. This ability not only grants the user great strength, abilities, and control over numerous variations of eldritch energies, but also allows them to overwhelm weaker eldritch beings as well as rival that of powerful eldritch entities.
    • Eldritch Being Manipulation: Can manipulate eldritch beings. Living nightmares that break down reality by just their existence alone. They can call upon these beings from the dark depths of outer space or another dimension entirely and use them to their own advantage whether it is using the powers of the eldritch being, gaining a better understanding of the cosmos and beyond, bringing eternal suffering to the users enemies, gaining respect and fear from other civilizations and powerful beings, etc. By the very nature of this power the user is manipulating beings who the very laws of physics don't even apply to or at least not the ones we know.
    • Eldritch Location Manipulation: Can manipulate eldritch locations, or otherworldly locations that may or may not be found in another dimension. These locations are incomprehensibly strange places where reality is out to lunch and full of sights no mere mortal was ever meant to experience, they take on many forms such as Primordial Chaos itself, Bizarre Buildings that break the laws of nature, Incomprehensible Voids of pure black or white, Strange Planets, "Wonderlands" and even Alternate Universes.
  • Eldritch Soul: Has the soul of an eldritch entity from beyond the known universe, whether because they are descended from an eldritch abomination or born too close to some anomaly leading to some realm outside the multiverse as we understand it.
  • Esoteric Power: Possesses an internal and personal force of esoteric and supernatural nature that lies dormant within them as it ultimately acts as the core of their otherworldly powers that by its unique and esoteric nature, can endow supernatural abilities with only their skill, personal power-level, imagination/knowledge, and/or morality to define the borders.
  • Influential Presence: Character's mere presence in an area or proximity to an individual can result in bizarre changes to the surrounding areas.
    • Contagious Influence: Can taint those around them with a physio-psychoactive influence that can twist and warp their very appearance and mindset to whatever the individual desires.
  • Interdimensional Being: An entity by occupying two or more dimensions essentially existing in several places at once.
  • Logic Independence: Can achieve fundamentally impossible feats freely and exist entirely beyond all logic and reason.
  • Madness Manipulation: Be able to absorb, create, control, and manipulate Madness/Insanity of themselves, others, or the madness energy around themselves.
  • Magic Power: Possesses an extraordinary magic power; a living/metaphysical element energy/force of known existence that derives all its abilities from the source of all magic.
  • Malefic Authority: Has authority over dark/malefic forces and even over malefic entities themselves, capable of enforcing their obedience in their dominions of evil.
  • Meta Fear Inducement: Can induce incomprehensible fear and madness into an individual.
  • Necro Power: Possesses an extraordinary necro power; an undead/spiritual elemental energy/force of death and the dead from which they derive all abilities as it is the source of death.
  • Nigh-Omnipotence: Character typically possesses near-boundless power due to their nature as being unimaginable and undefinable.
  • Name Identification: Can learn the true name of a victim by looking at a person or object, ignoring aliases and other false names.
  • Organic Abomination: Is or can transform into an organic abomination, being of biological source, vast proportions, and hideous nature.
    • Amorphous Physiology: Can be or is composed of a flexible, amorphous substance that can be manipulated in a variety of ways.
  • Omnifarious: Has complete and absolute control over their own being, allowing them to manipulate their shape, density, size or to be solid, liquid, gaseous, or pure energy.
  • Personal Domain: Has a personal domain: an area in which a being has absolute power, through magical, supernatural, scientifically, or other means, which may be a physical area or an entire dimension.
  • Meta/Ability Creation/Power Bestowal
  • Pan-Dimensional/Beyond-Dimensional Physiology: These entities exist on a plane of existence either equal to or beyond infinite dimensions.
    • Numerical Transcendence: They transcend numerical and mathematical values and rules as measurement and scaling don't apply to them.
      • Indeterminacy: Incomprehensible and indescribable power beyond all definition, rules and scaling.
  • Scientific Power: Possess an extraordinary science power; a hyper adaptive natural force of of known existence that derives all its abilities from the source of all science. In all its power, scientific power, by its concept, can produce endless levels of energy that can come from mundane and/or cosmic/extradimensional natures, granting its user a wide variety of powers over time or all at once, family heritage, mutation or given to a science user. By harnessing the power of the science, users can be capable of extraordinary feats that relate to the forces of the science, all of which can be utilized to the user’s benefit.
  • Singularity: Is absolutely one of a kind, they cannot be replicated/cloned, have their powers mimicked, or be mimicked by shapeshifters or illusionists or even mimic the user's voice, handwriting, skills/movements, etc.
    • Unique Physiology: Possesses a physiology that is unique compared to the rest of their species/race/kind. This gives them physical and mental characteristics which makes them superior in some way to the rest of their race. The user holds abilities that by their race may be natural are therefore "superhuman". While they may appear completely identical to other members of their race, their bodies are powerful and possess a varied abilities or function in unequivocally inhuman ways
  • Supernatural Embodiment
    • Supernatural Manipulation: Can manipulate the supernatural (Medieval Latin: supernātūrālis: supra "above" + naturalis "nature"), is that which is not subject to the laws of nature, or more figuratively, that which is said to exist above and beyond nature.


  • Angelic Abomination: Almost any angel can be identify being creature of horror beyond the world as many angels has cause unimaginable fear to even the bravest armies of human warriors in history almost to that of deathlike terror. (Example: Azrael from Religion)
  • Animalistic Abomination: Virtually identical to the above ability, but always confined to a form more or less similar to a terrestrial animal. Users of this variation may be weaker, but also much stealthier due to their "less" horrific presence. (Example: Tailed Beasts from Naruto)
  • Botanical Abomination: Similar version to the above ability but confined to a form more or less similar to a plant/flora. Users of this variation may be weaker, but also much stealthier due to their "less" horrific presence. (Example: Ogdru Hem from Hellboy/BPRD)
  • Cthulhu Mythos Deity: Similar version, to be of the Cthulhic pantheon is to command the forces other lesser outsider entities as well as create them to suit their various needs. (Example: Cthulhu from Lovecraftian Horror)
  • Cyber Abomination: An abomination that originates from cyberspace. (Example: Eaters from Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth)
  • Demonic Abomination: Abominations of demonic origin, being infinitely more horrific and Satanic, even by typical demon nature. (Example: Deadites from Evil Dead)
  • Draconic Abomination: An abomination that takes the form of a dragon or otherwise draconic creature. (Example: King Ghidorah from Godzilla)
  • End of Time Being: A form of existence pertaining to the end of all things, these eldritch beings are born from the true end of time and existence. (Example: Illithids from D&D Forgotten Realms)
  • Genetic Abomination: An abomination that is not a naturally existing being, but was created and cultivated artificially, usually through genetic engineering. (Example: Cell from Dragon Ball Z)
  • Higher-Dimensional Abomination: A similar version of the above. Due to existing within a higher dimensional plane of existence, they can move about through most any/all planes unabated. (Example: Shuma-Gorath from Marvel Comics)
  • Humanoid Abomination: Virtually identical to the above ability, but always confined to a more or less humanoid form. Users of this variation may be weaker, but also much stealthier due to their "less" horrific presence. (Example: The God Hand from Berserk)
  • Impossible Physiology: Exists in defiance of not only natural law but every single law of existence and possibility. (Example: Rei Ogami from Code: Breaker)
  • Mechanical Abomination: A form of eldritch entity created by modern science, usually a machine or AI that has evolved to a point where it’s so powerful that it basically defies all comprehension. (Example: Big Gete Star from DBZ)
  • Primordial Entity: Similar to an eldritch being, but one that predates the known sense of recorded existence. Primordial entities are not simply beings who stem from simply being outside of reality but come into being before concepts were even realized. (Example: The Darkness/Amara from Supernatural)
  • Transhuman Abomination: An abomination that was once a human being, often the product of Eldritch Conversion. (Example: Alucard from Hellsing)
  • Undead Abomination: A dead being which has somehow been brought back from death as an extremely bizarre and terrifying eldritch entity. (Example: BTs from Death Stranding)


  • Quote from The Buzzing, "The Secret World": The Sun-Eaters are. But they are not like you. Their thoughts are not your thoughts. Their names are better expressed as wavelengths. They see on the planes you have not yet discovered. They have heard the screaming of stars and remember the diaspora of galaxies. They have supped on quantum foam. A mother sleeps, but her body is still aware enough that she will not roll over the infant laying next to her. Do you see? The perceptions of the Dreamers are vast. They dimly perceive the universe in slumber, through an obsidian mirror. These Dream Guardians are their alien perception of life on earth.The Filth Guardians have taken manifold shapes down the aeons. We spy their current shapes. See the Hound. See the Arachnid. See the Bird. See the Boar. The Dreamers' thoughts are not your thoughts, sweetling. This is how they interpret dogs, spiders, birds, and pigs, twisted by the translation of their unknowable minds.See the Unutterable Lurker. Tremble at its cyclopean scope. This is the Sun-Eaters at their most lucid, the purest form of their avatars, guided by their titanic wills. Its vast maw is a prelude to their limitless hunger. It devours whatever it destroys, ravenous forever. It is the hunger dreams of the Sleepers, anticipating their feast upon waking.
  • Quote from "From Heaven's Door": God wanted to be let in. I didn't want to refer to it as a thing, because that would imply it could exist even in abstract, unclear terms in our world. This God wasn't a thing. It wasn't a presence. It was an existence. That existence was of something horribly, horribly separated from our existence, something that went beyond the vilest sensations man could comprehend and into the black pits of the nothing and the less-than-nothing behind black holes, that which the keenest minds literally could not picture or envision without their brains folding into into pinkish ectoplasm and raped molecules from the strain of it. I didn't want to think about the effect of that existence – that God – would have within our universe. The simplest mercy is that it would simply shatter every established law about the universe we'd laid out and drive us all insane. More likely, it would simply twist our world into something more like Heaven – whatever could be defined as “world” to it. How far would man go to try and understand what it was never meant to perceive?
  • Quote from "The Color Out Of Space": I hope the dam water that covers this place will be very deep, but even then, I'll never drink it. There are only a few of us who remember the strange days now. What touched this place cannot be quantified or understood by human science, or our basic concept, our perception of reality. It was just... a color out of space. A messenger from realms whose existence stuns the brain and numbs us with the gulfs that it throws open before our frenzied eyes.



  • May be unable to fully manifest in our universe without being let in, or at least focus their attention to the right place.
  • Native deities and cosmic beings may seek to banish/destroy the character.
  • The character presence may be easily felt, making stealth all but impossible.
  • Might be susceptible to Sealing or Banishment.
  • May be unable to inhabit the normal universe without sufficient nourishment.
  • Divine Slayer, Transcendent Weaponry, Consciousness Shattering, Consciousness Grounding, etc.

Example Characters[]

See Also: Eldritch Abomination.




  • Anti-Monitor (DC Comics)
  • Great Evil Beast (DC Comics)
  • Decreator (DC Comics)
  • Mageddon (DC Comics)
  • Perpetua (DC Comics)
  • The Phantom Stranger (DC Comics)
  • Starro the Conquerer (DC Comics)
  • King of Tears (DC Comics)
  • Johnny Sorrow (DC Comics)
  • Ogdru Jahad (Hellboy/BPRD)
  • Anti-All (Marvel Comics)
  • The Beyonders (Marvel Comics)
  • Black Winter (Marvel Comics)
  • The Dominion/Enigma (Marvel Comics)
  • Fear Lords (Marvel Comics)
  • Galactus (Marvel Comics)
  • Galacta (Marvel Comics)
  • Shuma Gorath (Marvel Comics)
  • Helleyes (Marvel Comics)
  • The Many-Angled Ones (Marvel Comics)
  • Null the Living Darkness (Marvel Comics)
  • Oblivion (Marvel Comics)
  • One Below All (Marvel Comics)
  • Chaos the Mad God (Vampirella)



Live Television/Movies[]

Tabletop Games[]

Video Games[]

Web Comics/Original[]

Known Sentient Eldritch Objects[]

(Warning: This page only lists eldritch objects that are eldritch entities. To see a list of all eldritch objects, see this page: Eldritch Object.)

Known Sentient Eldritch Locations[]

See Also: Combination of Eldritch Locations and GeniusLoci. (Warning: This page only lists eldritch locations that are eldritch entities. To see a list of all eldritch locations, see this page: Eldritch Location Manipulation.)





Video Games[]

Tv Shows/Movies[]



Web Series[]



Analysis & Discussions[]
