Superpower Wiki
"What can I say? I identify with Pikachu."
― Virgil Hawkins/Static (Milestone/DC Comics)
"The name's Static. I put a shock to your system!"
― Virgil Hawkins/Static Shock (DCAU)

The ability to be a mortal whose powers are based on electricity. Variation of Superpowered Mortal.

Also Called[]

  • Electric Human/Mortal
  • Electrokinetic Human
  • Lightning Mortal/Superhero/Superheroine
  • Quintessential Mortal/Superhero/Superheroine
  • Static Mortal/Superhero/Superheroine


Users are an electrokinetic mortal, having electrokinesis and/or electrokinetically based power. The abilities may vary greatly due to the sources of said powers varying as well with user being divided into paranormal and science groups.


For those who are based in science such as a superior human/empowered beings, transhuman, or mutant, they may have the ability of being immune to electricity all together or just may have a body sturdy enough to not be harmed by heat and thus, have augmented physical capabilities. They may even be able to perceive the world and other living beings through electricity. They may also be able to stimulate other powers via their electrokinesis such as psionics or enhanced condition.


For those who are based in chi, aura, any form of occultism (magic, voodoo, Onmyōdō, Shamanism), mysticism, or any manner of Supernatural Art, they may be able to perform feats more supernatural such as creating entities of electricity/lightning, opening portals, summoning and maybe even healing. Often, users of this group aren't immune to externals sources of electricity.

Associated Powers[]




  • Electricity needs a conductor like metal, water or air to move through, therefore electricity can neither exist in nor move through a vacuum (such as outer space) and may be insulated by non-conductive matter, such as rubber or wood
  • May be unable to create electricity, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.
  • May become useless if confronted with electrical resistant material, such as rubber, silicate, etc.
  • May have to find electrical sources of power in order to recharge.
  • Reflective surfaces could cause a problem since it's unclear if users are immune or not.
  • May have problems using electronics.
  • May have problems with opponents of elastic nature.
  • May be short-circuited under certain conditions:
    • Contact with water, a magnet, the opposite polarity, etc.
    • Absence/lack of electrical resistance between the positive and negative polarities.
  • Weak against Electricity Negation.
  • Some users may only be able to summon lightning, not have the full manipulate of it in the atmosphere.

Example Characters[]

See Also: Shock and Awe.


  • Mikoto Misaka (A Certina Magical Index/A Certain Scientific Railgun)
  • Misaka Clones (A Certina Magical Index/A Certain Scientific Railgun)
    • Misaka Worst
  • Hitomi (Code:Breaker)
  • Hei (Darker than Black)
  • Kaigaku (Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba)
  • Kirin (Fairy Tail)
  • Laxus Dreyar (Fairy Tail)
  • Yuri Dreyar (Fairy Tail)
  • Hajime Kashimo (Jujutsu Kaisen)
  • Denki Kaminari (My Hero Academia)
  • Lightning Release Users (Naruto/Boruto: The Next Generation)
  • Enel (One Piece)
  • Kaido (One Piece)
  • Vinsmoke Niji (One Piece)
  • Tobisawa Jinnai (ZINGNIZE)


  • High Voltage (Big Hero 6: the Series)
  • Electrikman (Captain Biceps)
  • Juice (DC Animated Universe)
  • Various Metahumans (DC Comics)
    • Virgil Hawkins/Static
    • Negative Speed Force Conduits
      • Eobard Thawne/Reverse Flash
    • Jefferson Pierce/Black Lightning
    • Speed Force Conduits (DC Comics)
    • Bartholomew "Barry" Allen/The Flash II
    • Wallace "Wally" West/Kid Flash/The Flash III
    • Leslie Willis/Livewire
  • Gregory Fletcher/Golden Blaze (Golden Blaze)
  • Various Mutants (Marvel Comics)
    • Noriko Ashida/Surge
  • Various Human Mutates (Marvel Comics)
    • Maxwell Dillon/Electro
    • Francine Frye/Electro II
    • Miguel Santos/Living Lightning/Lightning
    • Brandon Sharpe/Striker
  • Johnny Ohm (Marvel: Rise of the Imperfect)
  • Miles Morales/Spider-Man II (Marvel Comics); partially
  • Dr. Sarah Kamen/Quick Charge (Stretch Armstrong and the Flex Fighters)
  • Electrozapper (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1987)
  • Xin Jing (W.I.T.C.H)
  • Nerissa (W.I.T.C.H.)
  • Will Vandom (W.I.T.C.H.)

Live Television/Movies

  • Electrogenics (Alphas)
  • Elle (Heroes)

Video Games

  • Cole MacGrath (inFAMOUS series)
  • Blanka (Street Fighter)

Web Original

  • Rei (unOrdinary)
  • Remi (unOrdinary)
  • SCP-2543 - Our Harriet (SCP Foundation)
  • SCP-4007-1 - Kagemusha (SCP Foundation)
  • Robert Bumaro (SCP Foundation)





Video Games[]

