- "Fingolfin was the strongest, the most steadfast, and the most valiant."
- ― Quenta Silmarillion, "Of Eldamar and the Princes of the Eldalië
- "Of all the children of Finwë he is justly most renowned: for his valour was as a fire and yet as steadfast as the hills of stone; wise he was and skilled in voice and hand; truth and justice he loved and bore good will to all, both Elves and Men, hating Morgoth only; he sought not his own, neither power nor glory, and death was his reward."
- ― The Lost Road and Other Writings, "Quenta Silmarillion on Fingon
- "And most of all his kin Morgoth feared Turgon; for of old in Valinor his eye had lighted upon him, and whenever he drew near a shadow had fallen on his spirit, foreboding that in some time that yet lay hidden, from Turgon ruin should come to him."
- ― Quenta Silmarillion, "Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad
The Archetype of a character who is an elf lord. Variation of a Noble Rank based Archetype who is Elvish. Variation of Fairy Lord
Also Called[]
- Elf King/Queen
- Elf Lord/Lady
- Elf Prince/Princess
- King/Prince/Princess/Queen/Ruler of the Elves
The character is an elf lord. Unlike other elves, the elf lord commands an elf society or army, elf lords are known for great wisdom and remaining steadfast through great adversity. They may possess skill in certain forms of magic (such as dark or holy).
Associated Powers[]
- Authority over elves.
- Elf Creation
- Elf Physiology
- Contaminant/Disease Immunity
- Delayed Immortality/Longevity
- Disease Inducement (Mythic only)
- Enhanced Accuracy
- Enhanced Agility
- Enhanced Combat Mastery
- Enhanced Dexterity
- Enhanced Intelligence
- Enhanced Reflexes
- Enhanced Senses
- Enhanced Strength
- Enhanced Swordsmanship
- Enhanced Wisdom
- Environmental Adaptation
- Hollow Being (Some mythic types only)
- Magic
- Pointed Ears
- Seduction Mastery (mythic only)
- Unnatural Quality
- Weakness Resistance
- Often still possesses the same weaknesses as the standard elf, but to a lesser degree.
- May not be able to overpower transcendent elves.
Known Users[]
- Flower Storm Monarch (Berserk)
- Licht (Black Clover)
- Sillad/The Monarch of Frost (Solo Leveling)
- Greenwood Royal Family (How Not to Summon a Demon Lord)
- Sheera L. Greenwood
- Rafflesia S. Orangewood (How Not to Summon a Demon Lord)
- Elmesia El-Ru Sarion (That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime)
- Sylvia El Ru (That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime)
- Malekith the Accursed (Marvel Comics)
- Various Elves (Tolkien’s Legendarium)
Live Tlevision/Movies[]
- Malekith the Accursed (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Tabletop/Video Games[]
- Eldharion Soren (Dungeons and Dragons)
Finwë (Tolkien’s Legendarium), the first High King of the Ñoldor who led his people on the journey from Middle-earth to Valinor in the blessed realm of Aman.
Fëanor (Tolkien’s Legendarium), first King of the Noldor and one of the Elven kindred that departed from Valinor in the land of Aman.
Fingolfin (Tolkien’s Legendarium), first High King of the Ñoldor in Beleriand and the younger half-brother of Fëanor.
Finarfin (Tolkien’s Legendarium), High King of the Ñoldor in Valinor and head of the House of Finarfin.
Maedhros (Tolkien’s Legendarium), the eldest of the seven Sons of Fëanor and head of the House of Fëanor following the death of his father in Middle-earth.
Fingon (Tolkien’s Legendarium), the High King of the Ñoldor in Middle-earth during the First Age after the death of his father.
Celebrimbor (Tolkien’s Legendarium), ruler of Eregion and Lord of the Gwaith-i-Mírdain in the Second Age.
Dior (Tolkien’s Legendarium), the second and the last King of Doriath as the only heir of Thingol, and thus also became the High King of the Sindar.