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The the character is an embodiment deity. Variation of Deity who is a Transcendent Embodiment.

Also Called[]

  • Embodiment God/Goddess
  • King/Queen/Lord/Lady of Embodiment
  • Personification Deity


A user with this ability either is or can transform into an embodiment deity, a god/goddess that is the personification of a particular aspect such as an element, force, concept, event or even another type of entity. Gods/Goddesses possess particular dominions, spheres of influence over which they have authority. Throughout mythology, there are instances of deities that, along with their supremacy, actually embody those facets, making them capable of existing everywhere said facet is located. Embodiment deities possess omnipresent power wherever their aspect exists, granting them a unique level of sovereignty.

Note: It is quite common throughout mythology that primordial deities embody the aspects over which they rule. Also, having dominion over an aspect does not necessarily mean one is a personification.


Types of Embodiment Deities[]



Known Users[]
