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The archetype for the characters that possess or have traits of a fallen deity. Variation of Deity who is Fallen. Not to be confused with Evil Deity or Underworld Deity.

Also Called[]

  • Banished/Fallen/Tarnished God/Goddess
  • Corrupted Deity
  • Damned/Descended Deity
  • Ex/Exiled/Expelled/Ruined Deity/God/Goddess


As an archetype, fallen deities are gods or goddesses who were either exiled from their position of glory or have left behind their noble status/existence to become a fallen deity. Fallen deities at times are imprisoned beings who consistently suffer their punishment giving to them by a higher power while others fall deliberately and embraces their new vile life, some might become deformed by their dark personality, emotions, action and/or dark powers they have embraced, sometimes minor such as skin color change or other bodily color change like their eyes or blood, or sometimes radical such as mutilation or transformation.

Fallen deities can be found throughout most of recorded history in various forms usually punished by a greater god or divine lord for committing an offense or being betrayed by the rest of the gods of their pantheon.

Associated Powers[]



Known/Example Characters[]

  • Asura (Asura's Wrath)
  • Sun Wukong (Chinese Mythology)
  • Gwyn, Lord of Cinder (Dark Souls Series)
  • The Nameless King (Dark Souls Series)
  • Queen Marika (Elden Ring)
  • Archdemons (Dragon Age)
  • Davoth/Dark Lord (Doom Eternal)
  • Zamasu (Dragon Ball Super)
  • Osiris (Egyptian Mythology)
  • Mori Jin/Mori Dan (God of Highschool)
  • Hephaestus (God of War series)
  • Kratos (God of War series)
  • Freya (God of War series)
  • Prometheus (Greek Mythology)
  • Nahusha (Hindu Mythology)
  • Aqua (Kono Subarashii Sekai Ni Shukufuku Wo!)
  • Thor (Marvel Comics); as Unworthy Thor
  • Cthon (Marvel Comics)
  • Seth (Marvel Comics)
  • Quetzalcoatl/Lucoa (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)
  • Shinnok (Mortal Kombat)
  • Magatsu Izanagi (Persona 4)
  • YHVH (Shin Megami Tensei IV); via With his Covenant broken and divinity denied
  • Demons (Shin Megami Tensei V); after having their knowledge stolen by God.
  • Izanami-no-Mikoto (Shintoism)
  • Susanoo-no-Mikoto (Shintoism); temporarily
  • Melkor/Morgoth (The Silmarillion)
  • Medusa (TYPE-MOON)
  • The Fallen Elohim/Demons (World of Darkness/Demon:The Fallen)
    • Lucifer
    • Asmodeus
    • Azrael
    • Dagon
    • Belial
    • Abaddon

