The power to possess or have traits of a Famine Deity. Variation of Harvest Deity. Combination of Food Deity, Death Deity and Malevolent Deity. Oppisite of Fertility Deity.
Also Called[]
- Gods of Famine, Hunger, Starvation, Scarcity and Malnutrition
- Hunger/Starvation Deity/God/Goddess Physiology
A user with this ability either is or can transform into a Famine Deity, a god/goddess who represents or is associated with famine, hunger, starvation, scarcity and malnutrition. Famine Deities weren't common in mythology but were naturally greatly feared among the civilizations they resided near due to the damage they could cause to their people.
- Food Deity Physiology
- Four Horsemen Physiology
- Harvest Deity Physiology
- Malevolent Deity Physiology
- Transcendent Physiology
- Deity Consumption/Divine Power Absorption/Divine Power Negation/Divine Power Immunity/Divine Slayer
- Food Generation
Known Users[]
- Famine (Christianity)
- Limos (Greek Mythology)
Tabletop Games[]
- Incabulos (Dungeons & Dragons: Greyhawk)