Superpower Wiki

The archetype for the characters that possess or have traits of a Ferromancer. Variation of Geomancer.

Also Called[]

  • The Ferromancer
  • Metalmancer
  • Metal Witch/Warlock/Wizard


As an archetype, the Ferromancer is a sorcerer, a sorceress, witch or wizard, or even a supernatural being that represents or has studied the mystic arts and is usually naturally gifted with metal magics, or learns them, or even just possesses metal-based powers and learns the mystic arts later. These types of magicians are considered powerful and rare in magical circles. Mostly these types of sorcerers are always considered evil or neutral; however, on rare occasions, this is not always the case.

Associated Powers[]



Example Characters[]

  • AncientWisemon (Digimon)
  • Gajeel Redfox (Fairy Tail)