The archetype of a character who is defined by flight capabilities. Variation of One Trick Wonder.
The character is a flier, possessing an enhanced physiology suited for aerial travel and environments. This often includes wings to aid in such a manner.
Associated Powers[]
- Aerial Adaptation
- Aerial Combat Mastery
- Air Walking
- Flight/Gliding/Levitation
- Mid-Air Defense
- Mid-Air Maneuverability
- Flying Ranged-Fighter
- When combined with Ranged Fighter
- Flying Tank
- When combined with Lightning Bruiser
Example Characters[]
See also: Flying Tropes
- Flight/Hikou users (Dragon Ball series)
- Cheon Yeo Woon (Nano Machine)
- Nathan Petrelli (Heroes)
- Flight Capable Zoan-Types (One Piece)
- Peter Pan (Peter Pan)
- Fly Type characters (Sonic the Hedgehog series)
- Various Characters (Touhou Project)
Hikou (Dragon Ball series) is a technique that enables the user to fly without Ki, such as via special mechanisms like jet packs and booster rockets...
...or in Goku's youth, a tail-helicopter.