Superpower Wiki
"You don't perceive our true appearance. Your existence and ours are different. My form, and what you think you are seeing, are not necessarily the same."
― Mokkurkalfi (Ah! My Goddess)
"Before...All was...I was...Before time was...I waited...I fed on the screaming souls of universes...I drank the spoiled milk of the dead stars...I am the emptiness outside all understanding...I AM Shuma-Gorath."
― Shuma-Gorath (Marvel Comics)

The character is a higher-dimensional abomination. Variation of Eldritch Abomination with a Pan-Dimensional Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Extradimensional/Hyperdimensional/Pandimensional Abomination
  • Abominable Higher-Dimensional Entity


The user with this ability either is or can transform into a higher-dimensional abomination. The user thus transcends three-dimensional space, with all of the benefits gained from that. The result is a truly terrifying being to lesser dimensional beings.

Associated Powers[]

  • All/Almost All Reality Powers: Possess a magnitude of powers capable of changing reality in various of ways.
    • All/Almost Cosmic Powers: Possess a magnitude of powers that involves interacting with anything in the cosmos, on any scale, in any way.
    • All/Almost All Dimensional Powers: Possess a magnitude of powers that involve manipulating dimensions, whether involving spatial characteristics (length, width, height) or different worlds.
  • Boundary Manipulation: Thanks to their penultimate lack of border inhibition, all boundaries quickly change from objective to subjective before them.
  • Cosmic Otherness: The user is so completely alien in origin, form, and existence that the very nature of their entirety defies all logic and nature.
    • Abnormal Embodiment: Users are impossible to fathom by lower-dimensional beings, due to fundamentally being beyond the rules of their existence and reality.
    • Countenance: Their presence in lesser realities can range wildly upon all that dawns upon them.
    • Eldritch Physiology: Due to being truly and completely otherworldly in origin, one appears as a complete obscenity by any sense.
      • Eldritch Force Manipulation: user of this power possesses and is able to use strong eldritch power. This ability not only grants the user great strength, abilities, and control over numerous variations of eldritch energies, but also allows them to overwhelm weaker eldritch beings as well as rival that of powerful eldritch entities.
        • Eldritch Location Manipulation: User can create, shape and manipulate eldritch locations, or otherworldly locations that may or may not be found in another dimension. These locations are incomprehensibly strange places where reality is out to lunch and full of sights no mere mortal was ever meant to experience, they take on many forms such as Primordial Chaos itself, Bizarre Buildings that break the laws of nature, Incomprehensible Voids of pure black or white, Strange Planets, "Wonderlands" and even Alternate Universes.
        • Xeno Force Manipulation: The user can create, shape and manipulate forces and powers that have abnormal properties, a different conceptual basis and origin from mainstream powers or do not exist in the known world (Extraterrestrial or Extradimensional), and thus do not follow the established "rules" or "laws" that are tied to said world.
    • Ontopathogenesis: Very presence within lower dimensions corrodes the very fabric of existence into twisted facsimiles of the user.
  • Extradimensional Power: The user wields extradimensional power, a primordial and infinite force of mutiple dimensions that has a great and indefinite level of power that can grant users dominion over the many dimensions.
  • Freedom: Become unbound by the physical restrictions of lower-dimensional beings.
    • Physics Manipulation: User is beyond conventional physics, due to being unbound by the mathematical limitations of three-dimensional entities.
    • Time Travel: Due to the user's status as being part of a higher dimension, the user may move through time as easily as a three-dimensional entity might traverse through ground.
    • Unrestricted Movement: Move freely throughout space.
  • Higher-Dimensional Manipulation: Manipulate higher and lower-dimensional space.
  • Nigh-Omnipotence/Omnipotence: Posses power beyond the comprehension of lower dimensional beings.
  • Nigh-Omnipresence/Omnipresence: Become virtually omnipresent within lower-dimensional space.
  • Nigh-Omniscience/Omniscience: Know virtually everything about lower-dimensional spaces.
  • Pan-Dimensionality/Beyond-Dimensionality: be in multiple dimensions at once and/or beyond all dimensions entirely.
    • Impossible Physiology: The user has a form that literally cannot happen and/or exist and is considered to be impossible by both normal and eldritch standards.




  • May be unable to manipulate their own native dimension unless they are the entire dimension.
  • May be vulnerable to even higher-dimensional entities, if there is such a thing.
  • May only be able to get a fraction of their essence into the other side when entering another dimension.
  • Weak against Higher-Dimensional Manipulation.

Example Characters[]



Analysis & Discussions[]
