The character is a household deity. Variation Deity.
Also Called[]
- Gods of the Home, the Household and Domesticity
- Hearth Deity/God/Goddess
- Home/Domestic Deity/God/Goddess Physiology
- The Hearth Keeper
User with this ability either is or can transform into a household deity, a god/goddess who represents or is associated with the hearth, the home and domestic living. Household Deities can be found throughout most of recorded history in various forms.
- Divinity
- Deity Soul
- Divine Aura
- Divine Force Manipulation
- Cleanliness Manipulation
- Divine Psionics
- Environment Manipulation (varies between deities; more powerful household deities can affect the lands the home in on.)
- Fire Manipulation (varies between deities)
- Old God/New God-Patron God
- Domestication
- Beast Master (household pets)
- Command Inducement (in the home only)
- Domination
- Fear Inducement
- Peace and Serenity Inducement
- Enhanced Craftsmanship (within the home)
- Home Embodiment
- Transcendent Physiology (Varies between Deities)
- Transcendent Animal
- Transcendent Fairy
- Transcendent Human
- Transcendent Hybrid
- Anthrocephalic (A human head on an animal body)
- Anthrozoic (Human form of an animal physiology)
- Zoocephalic (A human body with an animal head)
- Transcendent Plant
- Transcendent Spirit
Known Users[]
- Vitore (Albanian Mythology)
- Nëna e Vatrës (Albanian Mythology)
- Patron Saints (Catholicism)
- Chantico (Celtic Mythology)
- The Kitchen God (Chinese Mythology)
- Brigid (Celtic Mythology)
- Bes (Egyptian Mythology)
- Hestia/Vesta (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Agathodaemon (Greek Mythology)
- Jowangshin (Korean Shamanism/Korean Folklore)
- Frigg (Nordic Mythology)
- Manes (Roman Mythology)
- Limen (Roman Mythology)
- Dominitius (Roman Mythology)
- Chut (SlavIc-Belarusian Mythology)
- Domovoy (Slavic Mythology)
- Kikimora (Slavic Mythology)
- Shishiga (Slavic Mythology)