- "It's not possible! You're an idiot! AN IDIOT!"
"Maybe so, but I'm the idiot who beat you!" - ― Vlad Plasmius and Jack Fenton (Danny Phantom)
- "I may not be smart enough to do everything, but I'm dumb enough to try anything."
- ― Beast Boy (Teen Titans, "Crash")
- "He is the hope of the universe. The fate of your world, perhaps all worlds, rests in his special mind."
"Now, when you say special..." - ― Nibbler and Leela talking about Phillip J. Fry (Futurama)
- "You win, Jerry. You WIN! No amount of genius can stop your dumb mediocre vacuous roots from digging into everything and everyone around you and draining them of any ability to fend you off."
- ― Rick Sanchez to his son-in-law, Jerry Smith (Rick and Morty)
The power to be a mentally disturbed/moronic person with extraordinary mental abilities. Opposite of Dimwitted Genius.
Also Called[]
- Genius Ditz
- Gifted Idiot
- Savant Syndrome
- Focused Idiot
Users may seem to be so stupid and socially awkward that they most likely have a mental disorder but when put in the right kind of situation, and they'll demonstrate outstanding brilliance.
- Accelerated Development
- Claircognizance
- Hypercompetence
- Intuitive Intelligence
- Situational Intelligence
- Their mental issues still remain despite how mentally gifted they are.
- Might be limited to certain areas, such as certain types of science, music, magic, creative writing, and fighting/combat.
Example Characters[]
See Also: Idiot Savant.
- Sheele (Akame Ga Kill!)
- Sasha Blouse (Attack on Titan)
- Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot)
- Jack Fenton (Danny Phantom)
- Son Goku (Dragon Ball series)
- Mirdon (Doraleous and Associates)
- Peter Griffin (Family Guy)
- Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th)
- Forrest Gump (Forrest Gump)
- Philip J. Fry (Futurama)
- Minmax (Goblins: Life Through Their Eyes)
- Billy (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy)
- Tuffnut Thorston (How to Train Your Dragon franchise)
- Yeongha Jeon (Hanlim Gym)
- Bagna (Hero Killer)
- Ri Shin (Kingdom)
- Lute Hende (Kyonyuu Fantasy)
- Chion (Mokushiroku no Yonkishi)
- Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto)
- Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)
- Tony Tony Chopper (One Piece)
- Elan (The Order of the Stick)
- Belkar Bitterleaf (The Order of the Stick)
- Kim Suhyeon (QUESTISM)
- Raymond Babbitt (Rain Man)
- Michael J. Caboose (Red vs Blue)
- Morty Smith (Rick and Morty)
- Homer Simpson (The Simpsons)
- Gamin Yoon (Study Group)
- Spinister (The Transformers More Than Meets the Eye)
- Yang (Yin Yang Yo!)
Despite being general dimwitted and often putting her appetite above anything else, Sasha Blouse (Attack on Titan) is a skilled hunter that later went on to become a sharpshooter with the military.
While being a total airhead and generally clumsy, Sheele (Akame ga Kill) had an innate talent for killing.
As a result of being trained from infancy to know nothing but combat, while Cassandra Cain/Orphan (DC Comics) is one of the best martial artists in the world, she lacks even the most basic education in any other field, not even learning basic speech until her teenage years.
Despite being a complete dolt in most fields (to the point that he didn't even know what marriage was), Son Goku (Dragon Ball series) is hailed as a natural born martial arts prodigy and masterful combat genius.
Despite being so stupid that he once forgot how to sit down, Peter Griffin (Family Guy) has shown a wide variety of skills in music, combat, and engineering.
While described as mentally disabled in-universe, Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th) has a natural instinct for not only turning anything he can get his hands on into a killing implement, but also for stalking his quarry, avoiding detection and setting up traps, ambushes, and diversions.
Philip J. Fry (Futurama) has a handful of genuine talents peppering his otherwise frightfully idiotic "brain"....
While seen as the dumbest among Berk's riders, Tuffnut Thorsten (How to Train Your Dragon) has surprising skill and talent in a number of various things, like interpreting abstract puzzles, working with fabrics, stone sculpting with Barf and Belch's gas and various other things, implying that he is not dumb so much as a savant in various unconventional ways.
While having the one of the lowest intelligence stats amongst his generation of military commanders and lack of proper education due to his former life as a slave, Ri Shin (Kingdom) is a natural born martial arts genius, an intricate user of the fly military tactics, and one of the greatest Instinctive Generals in the Qin Military.
Despite his general distaste for studying and graduating dead last in his class, Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto) can come with ingenious strategies in the middle of combat that have helped him take down numerous deadly opponents.
While childishly immature and naive, Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece) possesses a form of wisdom that allows him to see the simplest solution needed.
Tony Tony Chopper (One Piece) is incredibly dim-witted, even mistaking a group of imposters for his friends despite the clear differences in appearance and personality. Despite this, he is an incredibly skilled doctor.
Despite perhaps being the dumbest character in the series, Michael J. Caboose (Red vs Blue) has shown remarkable technological skills and a natural understanding of high concept subjects, such as time travel.
Despite being dense to the point where his own parents assumed he had a learning disability, after adventuring with Rick, Morty Smith (Rick and Morty) gained a higher understanding of Rick, his inventions, and the multiverse as a whole than anyone else in the universe aside from Rick himself.
...However, he was so skilled with his gun that he was able to turn on the TV by shooting it in the right places.
Spinister (The Transformers More Than Meets The Eye) is a delusional paranoiac who floats between acting like a child and acting like a mentally ill adult who suffers from violent outbursts...
...However, He is a surprisingly brilliant surgeon who at one point works out an effective treatment to a very invasive and cruel procedure within an hour of learning it had even happened.