The power to kill mages or any other kind of magic practitioners. Variation of Slayer. Opposite to Scientific Slayer.
Also Called[]
- Inquisitor
- Mage Hunter/Killer
- Magician/Sorcerer Hunter/Killer/Slayer
- Warlock/Witch/Wizard Hunter/Killer/Slayer
The user specializes in killing, fighting, and hunting practitioners of magic. They can analyze and search for weaknesses in their targets and their magical abilities and can take advantage of those limitations to kill mages. It should be noted that some mage slayers are also mages themselves who use magic to combat other targets.
- Anti-Magic Combat
- Enhanced/Supernatural Combat Mastery
- Greater Damage Effectiveness
- Magic Detection
- Magic Mastery (Ironically)
- Transcendent Mage may be difficult to slay and may need specific weaponry or equipment.
- There is a possibility that the magician will cast a curse on the person who killed him.
- May need different skills/power to kill some types of mages:
- Alien Slayer to alien mages.
- Demon Slayer to mage demons.
- Transcendent mage demon may be difficult to slay.
- Dragon Slayer to dragon mages.
- Undead Slayer to liches.
- Vampire Slayer to vampiric mages.
- Transcendent lich may be difficult to slay.
- Superior Entity Slayer to superior mage.
- Mutant Slayer to mutant mages.
- Giant Slayer to giant mages.
- transcendent giant mages may is difficult to slay.
- Angel Slayer to angel mages.
- Transcendent angel mages may be difficult to kill.
Known Users[]
See Also: The Witch Hunter.
- Glenn (Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor)
- Asta (Black Cover)
- Erza Knightwalker (Fairy Tail)
- Bloodman (Fairy Tail)
- Inquisitors (Fairy Tail)
- Kim Suho/Lloyd Frontera (The Greatest Estate Developer)
- Javier Asrahan (The Greatest Estate Developer)
- Zenkichi Hitoyoshi (Medaka Box)
- Asuna Kagurazaka (Negima! Magister Negi Magi)
- Puella Magis (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
- Homura Akemi
- Sayaka Miki
- Mami Tomoe
- Madoka Kaname
- Kyoko Sakura
- Fremy (Rokka No Yuusha)
- Sung Jinwoo (Solo Leveling)
- Levi Kazama (Trinity Seven)
- Bella Noche (Adventure Time)
- Rondel (Hilbilly)
- Philip Wittebane/Emperor Belos (The Owl House)
- Tim the Witch-Smeller (Sabrina: The Animated series)
- Sir Edward Grey (Hellboy/BRPD/Witchfinder)
- Hellboy (Hellboy/B.P.R.D.)
- Isaiah Curwen/Silver Dagger (Marvel Comics)
- Miyamoto Usagi (Usagi Yojimbo)
- Harry Dresden (The Dresden Files)
- Spy Master Valek (Ixia and Sitia)
- Adjunt lord (Malazan Book of the Fallen)
- Hazekillers (Mystborns)
- Gholan (The Wheel of Time)
Live Television/Movies[]
- Thou-Shalt-Not-Commit-Adultery Pulsifer (Good Omen)
- Brad (Sabrina the Teenage Witch)
- Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
- Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
- Hansel (Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters)
- Gretel (Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters)
- Kaulder (The Last Witch Hunter)
- Witchfinder (Maddigan's Quest)
- Witchfinder (Merlin)
- Camarilla (Motherland: form Salem)
- Father Solomon (Red Riding Hood)
- Uriel Hunter (Survival of the Fittest)
Video Games[]
- Anti mage (Dota 2)
- Viktor Saltzpyre (The End Times: Vermintide)
- Galier (League of Legends)
- Kassadin (League of Legends)
- Shirou Yusa/Tenma Sukuna (Shinza Banshou series)
- Kiritsugu Emiya (TYPE-MOON)
Web Comics/Original[]
- Thoria (The Dragon Doctor)
- Isaak Friels (Fate/Nuovo Guerra)
- Othar (Girl Genius)
- Ironkind (Suitor Armor)
Known Organizations[]
- Necessarus (A Certain Magical Index)
- The Huckebein Family (Magical Record Lyrical Nanoha Force)
- The Equalists (Avatar: The Legend of Korra)
- The Resistance (Bartimaeus Trilogy)
- SOC/Supernatural Operation Corps (Shadow Ops)
Live Television
- The Initiative (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Mord'Sith (Legend of the Seeker)
- Aira (Black Magic)
- Objetive Order (DC Comics)
- Empirikul (Marvel Comics)
Video Games
- Soul Society (Demon's Souls)
- Templars (Dragon Age)
- Mageseekers (League of Legends)
- Doppeladdler (Shinza Banshou series)
Tabletop Games
- The Inquisition (Anima: Beyond Fantasy)
- The Inquisition (Warhammer 40K)
- Sisters of Silence (Warhammer 40K)
- Holy Order of the Templars of Sigmar (Warhammer Fantasy)
- The Witch Hunters of the Eternal Flame (The Witcher)
Web Comic/Original
- Global Occult Coalition (SCP Foundation)
- SCP Foundation (SCP Foundation)
- Aseptic (Unsolved)
- Kyorls (Drowtales)
- Cult of the Blind Eye (Dominic Deegan)
Live Television[]
Live Movies[]
Video Games[]
Even before gaining magical abilities, Shirou Yusa (Shinza Banshou series) had a talent for fighting magically enhanced individuals. This skill eventually manifested itself as the ability Malignant Tumor Apoptosis which suppresses all supernatural abilities around Shirou.