- "I lived ten thousand lifetimes before the first of your kind crawled out of the mud! It was I who first broke through the divide that separates the plane of spirits from the material world! To hate me is to give me breath! To fight me is to give me strength! Now prepare to face oblivion!"
- ― Vaatu (Legend of Korra)
- "Evil? Your evil is my good. I am Sutekh the Destroyer. Where I tread I leave nothing but dust and darkness. I find that good."
- ― Sutekh the Destroyer (Doctor Who)
- ― Followers of Khorne (Warhammer 40k)
- "You figure that out all by yourself? The god of evil is evil?"
- ― Set (Kane Chronicles)
The archetype for characters that are a malevolent deity. Variation of Transcendent Physiology. Lesser version of Anti-God. Opposite of Benevolent Deity. Not (necessarily) to be confused with Evil Deity.
Also Called[]
- Cruel/Dark/Malicious/Vicious Deity/God/Goddess
The characters either are, or can transform into, a Malevolent Deity. A malevolent deity is a mythological entity that represents the Malevolent and destructive aspects of godhood, either in mythology/folklore or in a fictional setting. Although it isn't a condition, they can be malevolent in disposition or serving their mere purpose in their cosmology. They can bring destruction, calamity, chaos, death, etc.
Unlike Eldritch Physiology, the deity itself is part of the universe they reside.
Associated Powers[]
- Dark Divinity
- Evil Embodiment (Varies between deities)
- All Destructive Powers (Varies between deities)
- All Evil Powers (Varies between deities)
- Malefic Force Manipulation
- Nether Manipulation
- Anarchy
- Apocalypse
- Chaos
- Curses
- Darkness
- Domination
- Death
- Deception
- Destruction
- Drought
- Evil
- Famine
- Fear
- Hatred
- Hell
- Madness
- Murder
- Pain
- Plague
- Poison
- Rot
- Sin
- Strife
- Thievery
- Vengeance
- War
- Wrath
- May be rivaled by benevolent gods.
Example Characters[]
See Also: God is Evil and God of Evil.
- Emperor Tathagata Killer (Mystical Laws)
- Ehit (Arifureta Shokugyō de Sekai Saikyō)
- Gandesblat (The Fallen Brother Is Actually the Strongest)
- Hades (Saint Seiya)
- Supreme Deity (Seven Deadly Sins)
- GOLB (Adventure Time)
- Vaatu (Avatar: The Legend of Korra)
- The Dark Gods (DC Comics); as the Pantheon of the Dark Multiverse
- Darkseid (DC Comics)
- Triumvirate of Sea Gods (DC Comics)
- Chthon (Marvel Comics); as an Elder God
- Octessence (Marvel Comics)
- Cyttorak
- Phoenix Force (Marvel Comics); as Dark Phoenix
- Dark Gods (Narcisson) (Marvel Comics)
- Unicron (Transformers)
- Apep/Apophis (Egyptian Mythology)
- Set/Seth (Egyptian Mythology)
- Loki (Norse Mythology)
- The Dragon/Devil/Satan/Serpent (Abrahamic religions)
- Sitan (Philippine Mythology)
- Otakemaru (Japanese Folklore)
- Erlik (Turkic mythology)
Video Games[]
- Davoth/Dark Lord of Hell (Doom Eternal)
- Daedric Princes (The Elder Scrolls)
- Sithis (The Elder Scrolls)
- Nyarlathotep (Persona series)
- Angra Mainyu (TYPE-MOON)
- The Dead Three (Forgotten Realms)
- Shar (Forgotten Realms)
- Gods of Fury (Forgotten Realms)