The archetype for the characters that possess or have traits of a ruler of monsters. Variation of Ruler.
Also Called[]
- Count/Countess of Monster s
- Monster King/Queen
- Monster Lord/Lady
- Monster Prince/Princess
- Monster/Monster ic Master
- Monster Sovereign
- Monster Sultan
- Monstrous Royalty
- Monstrous Ruler
- Duke/Duchess of Monsters
- Earl/Governor/President of Monsters
- Emperor/Empress of Monsters
- Higher-Level Monsters
- King/Queen of Monsters
- Leader of Monsters
- Lord/Lady of Monsters
- Prince/Princess of Monster
- Ruler Monster/Ruler of Monsters
As an archetype, a ruler is a powerful upper-level monsters (vampires, werebeasts, zombies, yokai, etc.) who represents or is associated with presiding over hordes of lesser demons under them and charge them with fulfilling their wishes. These demonic rulers can possess great powers over demons themselves, giving them total dominion over their respected monster species, or just being an alpha monster and being more powerful than those under them, and/or simple possess great authority.
Unlike Monster King, monster rulers are a broadened term that includes all kinds of rulers within the monster hierarchy from; Kings, Queens, Dukes, Princes, Princesses, Lords, Ladies, Barons, Counts, Countesses, Earls, Presidents, Governors etc. and is not limited to being just monster. Or not to be confused with the likes of alpha monsters which is the physical body/condition of an alpha/more powerful demon itself, not the strictly the archetype of a monster ruler.
Associated Powers[]
- Ancient Evil (Varies)
- Apex Predator
- Monster/Alpha Monster/Transcendent Monster
- Monster Lordship/Monster Manipulation
- Monster Energy Manipulation
- Monster Magic
- Dark Arts or White-Dark Arts (may vary from the level of the monster)
- Supernatural Condition or Absolute Condition or Pinnacle Condition
- Energy Manipulation
- Force Manipulation
- Ultimate Power/Ancient Power (Varies)
- Divine Monster
- Dark Lord (varies)
- Dark Power
- Dark Magician/Evil Sorcerer
- Archmage (varies)
- Necromancer
- Umbramancer (varies)
- Esoteric Power
- Magic Power
- Monstrous Power
- Psychic Power (Varies)
- Ruler
- Monster King
- Monster Queen
- Vampire Monarch
- Demon Ruler
- Monster Rulers are often lumped into being the same as demon rulers.
- Monster rulers can be unseated from their position of power as rulers by more powerful monstrous or even divine entities who covet their thrones.
- Monster Slayer
- Varies depending on the monster
Known/Example Character[]
- Morgath (Toklienverse)
- Sauron (The Lord of the Rings)
- Dracula Vlad Tepes (Castlevania)
- Lords of Shadow (Castlevania)
- Hunson Abadeer (Adventure Time)
- Dracula (Marvel Comics)
- Shiklah (Marvel Comics)
- Daemon Princes (Warhammer 40K)
- Chaos Gods (Warhammer 40K)
- Godzilla (Monsterverse)
- Mothra (Monsterverse)
- King Kong (Monsterverse)
- King Ghidorah (Monsterverse)
- Typhon (Greek Mythology)
- Muzan Kibutsuji (Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba)
- Xykon (The Order of the Stick)
- Ariel (So I'm a Spider, So What?/Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?)
- Kumoko/Shiraori (So I'm a Spider, So What?/Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?)
- Monarchs (Solo Leveling)
- Dick Roman (Supernatural)
- SCP-001 - The Scarlet King (SCP Foundation)