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The archetype for the characters that possess or have traits of a Patron Deity. Variation of Transcendent Physiology. Version of Tutelary Deity. Advanced version of Patron Saint. Not to be confused with Patron Saint.

Also Called[]

  • Patron God
  • Patron/Patroness Goddess
  • Patronal Gods


As an archetype, Patron deities are "deities/gods/goddesses/spirits" who personally protect, assist and/or look after those people who believe, have faith, pray to, and worship the deity in question. Patron gods influence also extends to the cities, villages and overall areas of those who are devoted to them. This is an archetype that all divine beings can be, if they chose who to reward those in need and their devotees with blessings, favors and gifts, like granting people supernatural items or divine powers, or even granting them aid from other supernatural entities. Sometimes, the gods may ask for more then their followers can give, and if their demands/wants aren't met they may take their blessings and aid back until they are done.

Unlike patron saints, patron gods are the original divine beings who are still identified as "gods", and seen as gods by their people who worship them, whereas patron saints were either humans who have ascended into a deity-like condition, or are deities who have been demoted by their followers from gods into what are known as "saints" through abandonment of their followers or forced religious conversions by outside sources because the gods were too hard to get ride of, so they were downgraded to "saints" because they refuse to recognize them as gods anymore.

Associated Powers[]




Known/Example Characters[]

Also See: Patron God.


  • Uzume (Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere)
  • Gods (Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?)


  • Cytorrak (Marvel Comics); to all Juggernauts.
  • The Vishanti (Agamotto, Oshtur and Hoggoth) (Marvel Comics)
  • Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles and Mercury (Shazam!/DC Comics); to Shazam.
  • Aphrodite, Athena, Hercules and Hermes (Wonder Woman/DC Comics); to Diana Prince/Wonder Woman.
  • Aphrodite, Artemis, Athena, Demeter and Hestia (Wonder Woman/DC Comics); to the Amazons.


  • The six gods of the West (Dark Shores)
  • Minor Deities (The Raven Tower)
  • Ogoun (Demon Accords)


  • God (Abrahamic Faiths)
    • God (Christianity); to Christians.
      • Holy Ghost
      • Jesus Christ
  • Aphrodite (Greek Mythology); Sparta, Thebes, Cyprus & many more.
  • Apollo (Greek Mythology); Delos
  • Athena (Greek Mythology); Athens
  • Poseidon (Greek Mythology); Corinth
  • Zeus (Greek Mythology); Olympia & Athens
  • Hindu Deities (Hinduism); to name a few.
    • Krishna; those of Krishnaism
    • Rama; those of Ramaism
    • Shaktiv; those of Shaktism
    • Shiva; those of Shivaism
    • Vishnu; those of Vaishnavism
  • Lucifer (Luciferianism); to Luciferians.
  • Satan (Satanism); to Satanists.
  • The Horned God (Wiccan Mythology); to Wiccans.
  • Triple Goddess (Wiccan Mythology); to Wiccans.

Tabletop Games/Video Games[]

  • Osiris, Ra, Ptah, Bast, and Seth (City-Building Series)
  • Apollo, Artemis and Hecate (Fate/Grand Order)
  • Mila and Duma (Fire Emblem Gaiden)
  • Palutena (Kid Icarus: Uprising)
  • Sigmar Heldenhammer (Warhammer Fantasy)
  • Emperor of Mankind (Warhammer 40,000)
  • Gods of Chaos (Warhammer/Warhammer 40,000)
  • Poseidon, Athena, Artemis etc.. (Zeus: Master of Olympus)

