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The archetype for the characters that possess or have traits of a patron saint. Variation of Ascended and Patron God. Advanced version of Supernatural Priest. Lesser version of Patron God. Not to be confused with Patron God or Personal Patron.

Also Called[]

  • Blessed Physiology
  • Deity Saint/Angelic Saint
  • Divine Saint
  • Heavenly Protector
  • Patron Hallow 
  • Patroness Saint (female)
  • Saint, Catholic Saint, Christian Saint, Folk Saint, Heavenly Saints, or Secular Saints


As an archetype, a patron saint, is a saint deity-like being who represents or is associated heavenly ascension or ascension to Sainthood by the people. Patron saints can be found throughout most of recorded history in various forms. Saints can either be deities that have been converted, archangels, and/or humans who’ve ascended to become deity-like beings.

Saints often become the patrons of places where they were born or had been active. However, there were cases in Medieval Europe where a city which grew to prominence and obtained for its cathedral the remains or some relics of a famous saint who had lived and was buried elsewhere, thus making them the city's patron saint – such a practice conferred considerable prestige on the city concerned. The veneration or "commemoration" and recognition of patron saints or saints in general is found in Roman Catholicism, Eastern Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy, some Christians even, and among some Lutherans and Anglicans. Catholics especially believe that patron saints, having already transcended to the metaphysical, are able to intercede effectively for the needs of their special charges.

There are also several different types of Saints: Ascended Humans, Deities and Angels.

Associated Powers[]

All Saints []

Angelic Saints[]

Venerated Saints[]

All: Transcendent Mortal Physiology (Ascended Human Physiology)

Folk Saints[]

Folk Saints or also known as Popular Saints have not for the most part been venerated by the church but are still viewed and worshiped as Saints.




  • Various Saints were once Pagan Deities, however due to mass conversions from paganism to Catholicism or Christianity some Deities proved impossible to get ride of so they were remade as Saints to better control the masses and slowly get ride of the Pagan faiths.

Known/Example Characters[]

Also See: Patron Saint and Emissary from the Divine


  • Saint Francis Xavier (Samurai Champloo); referenced.


  • St. Leonard the Hermit and St. Leonard Worm (Hellboy: The Nature of the Beast)

Folklore/Mythologies/Religions []


  • St. Vigeous, the patron saint of vampires (Buffy the Vampire Slayer); mentioned.
  • St. Dionysius and St. Jude (Hellboy movie); items of them used.
  • Joan of Arcadia (Joan of Arc)
  • Saint of Thieves (The Librarians)
  • St. Bernadette Soubirous (The Song of Bernadette)

Tabletop Games[]

  • Saint Sabbat and Ollanius Pius, patron saint of Guardsmen (Warhammer 40,000)