The character is a physical powerhouse. Variation of One Trick Wonder. Not to be confused with Muscle-Based Condition.
Also Called[]
- The Brute
- The Heavy
- The Gorilla
- The Meatshield
The character is a physical powerhouse, a being in possession of a body suited for immense strength, often displayed as a hulking mass of muscular might. The muscles of the users are many times more efficient than that of a normal human being. Their skeleton will most likely be many times harder than a normal human's so that they can operate at immense physical strength. The chemical process of their musculature is also highly enhanced so that their body does not generate fatigue poisons, the normal by-product of physical stress, which forces the body to rest.
Associated Powers[]
- Anger Empowerment - Often the case.
- Dense Muscles
- Enhanced/Supernatural Muscle Usage
- Exertion Defiance - When powerful enough.
- Irresistible Self to Juggernaut Momentum - Depends on the users' strength level.
- Situational Strength - Possible
- Strength-Based Speed -Possible
- Muscle Armor
- Unnatural Weight
- Enhanced/Supernatural Muscle Usage
- Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Stamina
- Gravitation Adaptation - Depends on the users' strength level.
- Large/Unnatural Size
- Thick/Unbreakable Bones
- Thick Skin
- Top-Heavy Body - Often
- Energy-Beam Powerhouse - a powerhouse with energy beams/blasts.
- Fat Powerhouse - a powerhouse who has a fat body.
- Fragile Powerhouse - a powerhouse who lacks defense.
- Regenerative Powerhouse - a powerhouse with regenerative abilities.
- Robot Powerhouse - a powerhouse with a robotic body.
- Team Strong - The user is likely the physically strongest on the group.
- Unbreakable Powerhouse (AKA: The Bruiser) - a powerhouse with super durability or invulnerability.
- Dimwitted Bruiser - A Bruiser of limited intellect.
- Genius Bruiser - A Bruiser with genius intellect.
- Lightning Bruiser (AKA: The Tank)- A Bruiser who uses speed.
- Flying Tank - A Tank who can fly.
- Lumbering Bruiser - A Bruiser who lacks speed.
- Bodily Mass Manipulation
- Heavyworlder Physiology
- Power Compensation - Powerhouses often use brute force rather than skill.
- Self-Muscle Manipulation
- Strength Embodiment
- Strength Mode - If the user gains this power via a transformation.
- Super Bodybuilding
- May not be very smart.
- Such a lack of wits is likely to cause anger management problems.
- The user may be slow due to their bulky body.
- May rely solely on strength in combat.
- Likely needs to regulate their strength to prevent unwanted damage.
Example Characters[]
- Heracles (Greek Mythology)
- Samson (Judeo-Christianity)
- Maruo Kaido (Ayashimon)
- Various Characters (Baki the Grappler)
- Pickle
- Yuuichiro Hanma
- Yuujiro Hanma
- Biscuit Oliva
- Ryuji Tokura
- Aaron Tide (The Boxer)
- Yami Sukehiro (Black Clover)
- Asta (Black Clover)
- Kenpachi Zaraki (Bleach)
- Users of Power Stressed forms (Dragon Ball series)
- Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!)
- Members of the Yato tribe (Gintama)
- Abuto
- Housen
- Umibouzu
- Kagura
- Kamui
- Various Characters (Hero Killer)
- Park Hanjun (Hectopascal)
- Grendel (Highschool DxD)
- Sairaorg Bael (Highschool DxD)
- Vasco Strada (Highschool DxD)
- Various Characters (Kingdom)
- Yuji Itadori (Jujutsu Kaisen)
- Aoi Todo (JujuTsu Kaisen)
- Yuri (Magic? Muscle is Stronger!)
- Mash Burnedead (Mashle: Magic and Muscles)
- All Might (My Hero Academia)
- Izuku Midoryia (My Hero Academia)
- Various Characters (One Piece)
- Blackstar (Soul Eater)
- Toriko (Toriko)
- Zebra (Toriko)
- Various Characters (DC Comics)
- Superman: originally
- Doomsday
- Bane; when using Venom
- Strength Force conduits
- The Flash; temporarily
- Various Characters (Marvel Comics)
- Bruce Banner/Hulk
- Ben Grimm/Thing
- Guido Carosella/Strong Guy
- Cain Marko/Juggernaut
- Kurr/Savage Dragon (Image Comics)
- Griddex (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- The Immortal (Image Comics)
- Kevin Greene/Prime (Malibu Comics)
- Tom Hawke/Hardcase (Malibu Comics)
- Piotyr Rasputin/Ferro Man (Amalgam Comics)
- Sheldon Sampson/Utopian (Image Comics)
- Grace Sampson/Lady Liberty (Image Comics)
- Bendora/Nuggets (Spoof Comics Presents)
- Amanda/Monster Girl (Image Comics)
- Oliver Grayson/Omni-Boy/Kid-Omni Man (Image Comics)
- Kevin Trueblood/Maximum Man (Wildstorm Comics)
- Simon Pooni/Superior (Icon Comics)
- Practitioners of the Hercules Method (The Strange Talent of Luther Strode)
- Molly Wilson/Thunder Girl (Big Bang Comics)
- Enteng/Captain Barbell (Graphic Arts Service, Inc.)
- Leonard Williams/Tyrone Cash (Ultimate Marvel Comics)
Live Action TV
- The Beast (Angel)
- Niki Sanders (Heroes)
- Ben Hargreeves/Number Six/The Horror (The Umbrella Academy); Original Timeline
- Ben Hargreeves/Number Two/The Horror (The Umbrella Academy)
- Ultraman Titas (Ultraman series)
- Marvelous Man (The Guardians of Justice)
Live Action Movies
- Henry "Hank" Howard/Amazing Bulk (The Amazing Bulk)
- Arburian Pelarota (Ben 10 series)
- Cannonbolt
- Tetramands (Ben 10 series)
- Fourarms
- Vaxasaurians (Ben 10 series)
- Humungosaur
- Quad Smack (Ben 10 Reboot)
- General Wade Eiling/The General (DCAU)
- The Infraggable Krunk (Dexter's Laboratory)
- She-Thing (Dexter's Laboratory)
- She-Hunk (Johnny Bravo)
- Kim the Invincible (Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness)
- Super John Doe (Random Cartoons)
- Captain Hero (Drawn Together)
- Olympia (Random Cartoons)
- Titanium Rex (SuperMansion)
- Titanium Lex/Lex Lightning (SuperMansion)
- Tini (Ben 10)
- Ricky/The Bolt (Rugrats)
- Major Man (The Powerpuff Girls)
- Strong Man (The Mighty Heroes)
- Moby Man (The Simpsons)
- Olympia Hill/Majestia (Miraculous World: New York – United Heroez)
- Energy Man (Harry and Bunnie)
- Kell-El/Superman X (DC Comics/Legion of Super-Heroes)
- Supreme Superman (DC Comics/Legion of Super-Heroes)
- Louie Duck/Captain Muscles (Quack Pack)
- Claude Kane the 3rd/Radioactive Man (The Simpsons)
- Dylan/Armadylan (PJ Masks)
- Chuck Scarsdale/Captain Sunshine (The Venture Bros.)
- Alvin Yasbeck/Mondo Man (Disney's Mighty Ducks)
- Energy Man (Harry and Bunnie)
- Big Ben (The Powerpuff Girls)
- Coniferous (Codename: Kids Next Door)
- Captain Steel (The Real Ghostbusters)
- Cindy Vortex/Special Girl (The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius)
Animated Films
- Mr. Incredible (The Incredibles)
- Concretia "Connie" Mason/Brick (Pixar's The Incredibles 2)
Video Games
- Big Jelly (Cosmic Shake)
- Bulkmon (Digimon)
- Donkey Kong (Donkey Kong)
- GutsMan.EXE (Mega Man Battle Network)
- Senator Armstrong (Metal Gear Rising: Revengance)
- Buzzwole (Pokémon)
- Wario (Super Mario series)
- Knuckles (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Bowser (Super Mario series)
- Black Oaks (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Web Animation/Comics
- Garen (Skylark)
- Roy Greenhilt (The Order of the Stick)
- Agent Calendar (SCP Foundation)
- The Grunt (Superhero Intern)
Example Objects[]
- Perfected Hulk Serum Pill (Ultimate Marvel Comics)
Yuujiro Hanma (Baki the Grappler) is a rare example of a powerhouse who´s speed and mind matches his unnatural strength.
Vegeta and Future Trunks (Dragon Ball series) enter Power Stressed versions of the Super Saiyan form, maximizing power at the cost of speed.
As a conduit of the Strength Force, Alexa Antigone/Fuerza (DC Comics) possesses incredible strength and near-invulnerability.
Wade Eiling (DC Comics) used a faux metagene to transplant his consciousness into the Shaggy Man, becoming the all but unstoppable General.
Live Action TV[]
Movies/Animated Films[]
Video Games[]
Knuckles the Echidna (Sonic the Hedgehog) is as strong as Sonic is fast.