Superpower Wiki

The archetype of a character who is a robot that wields poison-based abilities. Variation of Element Wielding Robot with a Bionic Physiology and has Poison Manipulation powers.

Also Called[]

  • Chemical Warfare Robot
  • Toxin Wielding Robot


The character is a robotic being with poison-based abilities such as toxin, venom, acid etc., and they possess a wide range of abilities associated with these elements.

Associated Powers[]


Known/Example Characters[]

  • Lerahk (Bionicle)
  • Makuta (Bionicle)
  • Meltdown (Hero Factory)
  • Toxic Reapa (Hero Factory)
  • Horobi/Kamen Rider Horobi (Kamen Rider Zero-One); via Sting Scorpion
  • Acid Man (Mega Man)
  • Toxic Seahorse (Mega Man X)
  • Iron Moth (Pokémon)
  • Toxomister (Sonic the Hedgehog)

